basket ball workout tips

what are some workouts that will impact my basket ball game. im looking to be more expolsive, have a quicker first step, jump higher and to get my shot off quicker.
ball4life said:
what are some workouts that will impact my basket ball game. im looking to be more expolsive, have a quicker first step, jump higher and to get my shot off quicker.

I don't have that much experience with basketball, but I would suggest suicide-sprint drills (for explosiveness), the BFS Dot Drill workout (quicker first step), burpees or box jumps (higher vertical leap), and medicine ball exercises (chest passes, wall ball, slams, etc.).
I would add loaded jump squats, cable pullthroughs, glute-ham raises, modified oly lifts, and bb step ups, and wood choppers. And a bit of direct calf work wouldn't hurt depending on what type of jumper you are.

The plyos should definately be monitored by a knowledgeable coach or it could burn your CNS out. (I'll get that article done on ballistics during springbreak).

You'll also want a good, solid base of anaerobic and aerobic ability.
It's not going to help your aim if that's what you're asking, that will be developed through playing basketball. And considering the ball is light, I'm sure you don't have a problem with enough strength to shoot it, so no, push press or military press won't help your shooting ability.

However, this isn't to say that the push jerk wouldn't be a bad exercise for you to do to work on body timing and explosive work and that's two of the key elements of basketball-timing and being able to come "alive" at a moments notice.
i meant i heard working on your shoulders would help you have a quicker realses, i seen the Gold's Gym Forearm Exerciser and wondering if that helps you in basket ball
I've never heard of the piece of equipment you're talking about; however, if it is a machine then I would probabally say you'd want to stick with something not so bolted to the floor...more free moving. I also think if you wrapped a program around some of the exercises that Ballast and/or I suggest, depending on what your program looks like, that you'd see some overall improvements in your game.
Hi Ball -

I know this post is a little old, and I'm sure you've gone on to the NBA at this point. :) . But if you're still looking for some helpful training advice, specifically on jumping higher, I've come across a program that should do just the trick. Some people are reporting amazing vertical leap improvement, and its put together by the guy who is said to be #1 in vertical jumping. You can find the link here: .

Good luck, I hope you find this guide of use!
Bball Workouts

I would first recommend strengthening your core muscle group (which consists of the low back, abs, quads, and hamstrings). This will help prevent any injuries you might have doing your workouts or playing basketball. It will also allow you to get stronger and faster. For great jumping ability I would recommend doing a circuit of jump squats, jump boxes, jump rope is really good, and calf raises. For great foot speed I recommend doing the is a ladder on the ground and it helps increase foot speed ( if you want more info on this just ask) and I would also do lots of defensive slides and work on exploding from one to the other. Try to make your stride as big as possible.

I played college basketball and these were drills we did in the off-season to improve speed and jumping. Let me know if you have any questions.
Quicker shot

I would recommend keeping the ball higher when you shoot and always being in the triple threat position so that you are ready to shoot. The only way to improve your shot is by shooting everyday. Your body has proprioceptors that learn what you are doing and shooting will soon become a habit if you do it enough.

Good Luck
Well, obviously for you to get better at basketball you need to play more often
I'm only fifteen, but i practice about 8 hours on school weeks and during the summer 3 hours a day, so i might now a bit about basketball

To develop a quicker shot, always, always keep your arms up, i have seen many player catch the ball high and instead of immediately releasing from above the waistline, they bring the ball down below the waistline and then shoot
First of all this doesn't increase your range and it slows your shot down

You might not think you do this, but many players do this naturally and feel like they dont do it

I used to shoot like that , until i videotaped my shooting style and tried to create a faster shot for myself

If you want a faster shot off the dribble, i prefer dribbling up with the weaker hand, it gives you a better grip and faster movement to get in shooting position
How do people ressurrect a thread 3 times in 2 years. That's skill lol