Sport Bananas

Sport Fitness
Is it true that Bananas make you gain weight?? I love bananas so much. I eat them often, will they be a hinder in my fat loss?? Thanks guys :)
Anything in excess can make you gain weight.

They won't hinder your fat loss as long as you incorporate the calories into your target numbers for the day.
awesome. what about Dates?? Is is it OK to eat like 2 dates everyday, i like dates so much. It has like 27g of sugar in 2 dates but i guess they r oK because they r not processed right?? :)
Nice to hear about Bananas. I quit them a while ago, as I was told the r weight gainers, no doubt I was mislead. I should get them back then
You can never eat too many bananas IMO. I personally know someone who eats over 80 bananas a week and he is in the best shape of his life. All fruit in general is fantastic and you should make it as large a part of your diet as possible. Not just snacking though, fruit can be a whole meal in itself.
Crazylegs said:
80 bananas a week? Must need all that energy for climbing large buildings and swatting helicopters out of the sky.

LOL that really made my day :D