copy and paste. long read but backed by research
Fructose (also known as levulose) is made when plants simply rearrange the atoms in glucose. Fructose, along with glucose and galactose, is known as a monosaccharide. Some sugars, on the other hand, consist of pairs of sugars. They're called disaccharides.
Your muscles do not have the enzymes needed to convert fructose into glucose. Remember, it's glucose that the cells of your body need. So, fructose is sent to the liver, which does have the ability to make glucose from fructose.
Fructose doesn't need insulin to enter your liver cells. That's why fructose has been touted for years as a safe sugar for diabetics — it doesn't trigger a rapid rise in blood sugar. As a result, there is no need for the body to secrete a large amount of insulin when you eat fructose.
Once it reaches the liver, as well as being converted into glucose, fructose can also be turned into fat. In fact, compared to other sources of carbohydrate, fructose is converted to fat very easily. It's up to eight times more lipogenic than glucose (lipos is a Greek term meaning "fat", while genic refers to "the production of").
However, whether fructose is converted into carbohydrate or fat depends on the level of glycogen in your liver. Glycogen is the name given to glucose when it is stored in your muscles or liver.
When your liver is low in glycogen, fructose is more likely to be converted into glucose. When your liver is high in glycogen, excess fructose is more likely to be converted into to fat.
The truth is, fruit doesn't really contain that much fructose. For example, fruits such as pears or apples provide anywhere from 5 to 10 grams of fructose. Berries, such as strawberries or blueberries, contain even less — around 2-3 grams of fructose per 100 grams of fruit.
Honey, on the other hand, is a very concentrated source of fructose. Every 100 grams of honey contains roughly 40 grams of fructose. However, the fact that honey is very sweet makes eating a lot of it extremely difficult.
What's more, the fructose in fruit is normally packaged with water, fiber, vitamins, minerals and other phytochemicals (from the Greek word phyton, "plant").
Fructose has an important role to play in controlling your appetite.
Your liver sends information to your brain about how full it is. The parts of your brain that receive this information also receive other information relevant to appetite (such as from gustatory and central glucoreceptors). In other words, if liver glycogen concentrations are low, you're more likely to feel hungry.
Remember, if liver glycogen stores are low, fructose will be used to fill them, rather than being converted into fat. What this means is that consuming fruit when you're trying to lose weight can blunt your appetite in one of two ways — increasing the volume of food in your stomach and preventing liver glycogen levels from dropping too low.
There's very little reason to avoid fruit because of its fructose content. Fructose accounts for less than 10% of the weight of fruit such as strawberries, bananas, or apples. A moderate intake of fructose (50-60 grams per day) is certainly not going to make or break your diet. In fact, considering the effects of fruit on your appetite, consuming up to 500 grams of fruit each day may actually make losing fat a lot easier.