Weight-Loss Ban White Bread and Pasta



New member
Cutting out all white grain products — such as white rice, spaghetti, sandwich rolls —
will instantly slim you down because the simple carbs in these foods cause bloating,
especially around your belly. "Simple carbohydrates wreak havoc on your weight because
they're digested very quickly, leaving you hungry and more likely to overeat later,"
says Jana Klauer, MD, author of The Park Avenue Nutritionist's Plan.

To go a step further, instead of replacing them with healthier yet still bloat
-triggering whole-grain bread products, substitute vegetables for the week.
This way, a chicken sandwich becomes chicken salad, and chips and dip turn into carrots and dip.
The complex carbs from vegetables are digested more slowly, so you remain full longer.
And because veggies are mostly water, they also help flush out excess water weight.:nopity:
Cutting out all white grain products — such as white rice, spaghetti, sandwich rolls —
will instantly slim you down because the simple carbs in these foods cause bloating,
especially around your belly. "Simple carbohydrates wreak havoc on your weight because
they're digested very quickly, leaving you hungry and more likely to overeat later,"
says Jana Klauer, MD, author of The Park Avenue Nutritionist's Plan.

To go a step further, instead of replacing them with healthier yet still bloat
-triggering whole-grain bread products, substitute vegetables for the week.
This way, a chicken sandwich becomes chicken salad, and chips and dip turn into carrots and dip.
The complex carbs from vegetables are digested more slowly, so you remain full longer.
And because veggies are mostly water, they also help flush out excess water weight.:nopity:

And once more, you copy and paste and post complete nonsense.

Different people react differently to different diets. What works for one doesn't work for another. Personally, whole grain products leave me feeling hungry and give me indigestion, so I stay away from them. Vegetables, unless eaten in very large quantity, have no filling effect on me whatsoever.

And vegetables are mostly water? Where do you get that from? And doesn't that directly contradict what you said in the sentence before, about vegetables containing complex carbs?

I don't think I've ever given somebody an infraction simply for copying and pasting and not making any sense, but I'm pretty close to making an exception for you.
I'm not a doctor, but I'm looking expérent say that in this area, and I share it with friends in this forum
as you said it does not work surely for all people, but surely it will market with some one

I only seek to share information that expéres say in the field of weight loss

I did not break the law of the forum
but as you are an administrator you can do what you want, but before doing so we must take the opinion of others
No, it's pretty clear that you are no doctor, or an expert. Yet you are giving 'advice' which in some cases is plain wrong. There are many so called experts out there, and just as many are only interested in making money out of their publications or products.

Copying and pasting other people's work into this forum is completely pointless, unless somebody specifically asks for that information. And so far, everything you posted is basic stuff which has already been posted around here. So all you do is creating duplicate posts.

And just for the record....no, we do not have to ask the opinion of others at all. I told you to please stop copying and pasting stuff, and to read the already available information before you make a post, to ensure that there are no needless double posts. You can choose to do so, or to ignore me, and I can choose to ban you, or not. Up to you.
Whole-grain bread really isn't that bad for you. A lot of the time 2 pieces of whole-grain bread can contain up to 6 grams of protein and about 30% of your daily needs for fiber. I personally think that making a sandwich to-go is one of the best ways to stay on a diet. Every time I pack myself a lunch, I usually like to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and some canned fruit or an apple. That's just me though.
absolutely right
each person reacts different to each diet
did you know that some ppl only eat white bread & pasta?!!
cuz they cannot digest easily other complex products, though the other products are no doubt are better, this doesn't mean its better for everyone

watch your steps, examine your body, wish you the best! and success!