Balance on All-Fours on Exercise Ball


New member

I dont see how core exerices are goin to help someone lose weight?

While i think it important to get your body ready to do other exercises that will help you lose weight, I fail to see how balancing on a ball is going to burn those inches away?

In my limited experience it's never helped me lose massive amounts of weight, maybe little tiny changes, but i wouldn't class it as a weight loss exercise. Just an opinion.
I dont see how core exerices are goin to help someone lose weight?

While i think it important to get your body ready to do other exercises that will help you lose weight, I fail to see how balancing on a ball is going to burn those inches away?

In my limited experience it's never helped me lose massive amounts of weight, maybe little tiny changes, but i wouldn't class it as a weight loss exercise. Just an opinion.

Well, I will say I was in a strength training class and we did a lot of core work in the class... balancing on a ball was something we did quite a lot of and my waist went in 2 inches in that time because I tightened up my ab muscles... It did help me look leaner and look better, and I was stronger and now I burn more calories because I have more muscle... it isn't all you should do to lose weight, but from personal exerience is DOES help.
I agree. For me, core exercise are for those who would want more shape rather than trying to loose weight. In my own experience, losing weight is more about having less weight to handle but more repetitions. This is a fast way to get those extra calories and fats burning!