Bad to mix protein and fiber?

Is it a bad idea to mix a fiber supplement with a protein (whey + casein mix) shake?

I have usually just been blending them together, but I'm wondering if taking the fiber with the protein somehow hinders the uptake of the protein?

Should I be taking the fiber at a different time of the day and not with the protein? I usually take 3 servings of protein. The first is mid morning, the second is mid afternoon, and the third is post workout usually around 8pm. I only take the fiber once a day at it's always with the first protein shake.

Is it a bad idea to mix a fiber supplement with a protein (whey + casein mix) shake?

I have usually just been blending them together, but I'm wondering if taking the fiber with the protein somehow hinders the uptake of the protein?

Should I be taking the fiber at a different time of the day and not with the protein? I usually take 3 servings of protein. The first is mid morning, the second is mid afternoon, and the third is post workout usually around 8pm. I only take the fiber once a day at it's always with the first protein shake.


You will be fine mixing your fiber with your protein shake. If your taking a fiber supplement for the first time, you may experience some gas at first, but it "usually" will subside in a day or so once your body gets used to the new element in your diet. Have you decided on how many grams of fiber to take?

Best wishes

Have you decided on how many grams of fiber to take?

Actually, it's just Metamucil physillium fiber powder. I think there are about 5 grams of fiber in one serving. I've been taking it for a little over a year now.

Can you recommend a better fiber supplement to take?
It does not prevent protein absorption, but will slow it down. For that reason I would not mix fiber into the protein right after a workout. Bedtime might be ideal, as you want a slower absorption while you sleep anyway. :)