My father is 58 yo, 6'2", and wieghts about 245-250. Im concerned about his health. Hes never had any "close calls" or anything, but I want him to be around as long as possible. He also gets frustrated that he cant keep up with his grandkids. The tricky part is, he had both of his knees replaced 5 years ago and had surgery for a herniated disk about 8 years ago. His knees and back are better, but not to the point where he can just go out and run whenever he feels like it. I recommended an aquarobics class to him and he tried it for a while and hated it. He has asked me to put together some kind of diet and excersise plan for him, but the physical activity is the one thing Im not sure about. ANy of you who own health clubs, or personal trainers ever run into a client with a similar situation?