bad health



hi im just new on this site. you guys give out some great tips and answers. i was just wondering is it bad to eat too much meat chicken and fish etc? how much can you eat in a day or week etc? if anyone could help me id be so greatfull. thanks
hmm, i'd say their is no limit, but then again, i'm biased cuz, besides breakfast, that's pretty much all I eat ... i throw in some yogurt w/ protien and maybe some fruit and vegies, but the majority of all my meals is from some sort of animal.
There realy isnt a limit but you should vary it for every meal. You're body will go into the state of accomodation, just like what would happen if you lift with the same weight/reps/sets for a long period of time. You'll stop making gains. same thing can happen with eating. Also do it for mental health. If you keep eating the same foods over and over again you'll become bored with the whole thing and possibly give it all up. So chnge it up for every meal and kee your body working and your sanity intact.
You can eat alot of meat and fish, fish isnt fatty so you definately can with that. Meat well you can but then again theres alot of fat in meats but you can cut a lot of the fat off , if its say a steak. And even if the protein you take in isnt getting used to full effect, you will generally piss most of it out anyway.
Hey, and take my advice with a grain of salt since I'm a neophyte and diet has always been one of my weak areas --

Your bod can only use so much protein. On the bright side, it's probably hard for most people to eat more than their body can metabolize and any extra is just converted and stored or pissed off.

If you're doing a high protein diet, that's cool - be sure to drink tons of water. Water doesn't get nearly enough press but for many it's considered the best suppliment out there.

Back to Protein, I think most people consider getting 1.4-1.6 grams of it per pound of lean bodyweight enough to pack on the muscle mass. If you're trying to bulk, don't skimp on the carbs or fats either.

Good luck, bro!
Ideally if your looking to bulk up you ned to go for 2g p/lb bodyweight. Although, your body can only utilise 50g of protein per meal so seperate your portions throughout the day.
Btw its not 2g/1lb of bodyweight, and its not even 1g/1lb to be precise from studies I have read its 0.9g of protein per 1lb of bodyweight. But realistically yes you should aim for over 1g/1lb per bodyweight as some protein is used up in nutural body matainance etc not just building muscle fibres.
I read too much protein strains the kidneys, I think in Men's Health somewhere. Could have a dig and try to find thier source?

Thing is, carbs are addictive so it's in the food industrys interest to discourage high protein diets. Protein also more expensive of course, harder to keep the overheads down.
^ because of this I don't really believe this.

Like the guys say I'm sure it's probably fine, just don't eat like 70% all the time just in case.
i have also heard that excessive protein can be hard on the if you are loading up on protein, be sure to take lots of water.

another thing about protein intake, you want to spread it throughout the day. you may sit down to a huge steak dinner that has 100g+ of protein, but you'll only use the first few bites. You will use much more if you spread 100g of protein out thru the day.
With regards to fish, it has been recommended not to eat too much (tuna especially) because of the mercury levels. I cannot tell you how much is too much, and what the normal mercury intake should be, but I'm sure you could find it if you searched the net.

And with regards to protein, I am not a nutritionist, and as a matter of fact, I have only taken one nutrition class in my degree, so most of what I learn is from other people and references. But I did learn this in that one nutrition class: Whatever protein you do not use is de-aminated and excreted through urine. Calcium is required to de-aminate the protein, and what is left is a molecule almost identical to a fat molecule. Excessive protein intake would then cause you to strip your skeleton of calcium (or use up calcium stores) and store or produce more fat.

On another note, maybe someone who IS a nutrition specialist can answer this: Originally I learned that protein intake should equal ~1g per kilogram of body weight per day REGARDLESS of activity level. For the past years, I have been hearing a much different story (ie, 1g per POUND of body weight per day for active people)...can you tell me which is true? And do you have any interesting references on the topic? Thanks!!! :)