I love doing dips, press-ups and chins, both wide and close grip. I think the body weight exercises are a good test of all round strength and muscular endurance. I am good at dips, good at press-ups, and good at close grip chins. However, since a rugby neck injury about 4 years ago, whenever I start getting ok at wide (overarm) chins, I seem to hurt my neck.
I have been doing them again for a while and have just got to being able to do 4 sets of 10 reps again (I think this is good for someone who is about 220lbs!). The last time I did it, I again woke up with a bad neck the next day. Sometimes it does it that way, other times I feel my neck creak mid-exercise, and it hurts and stiffens straight away. This usually results in a number of 'knots' in my traps and upper back, which I normally have seen by a physio or masseuse who manipulates them until they are gone. It has just done it again, I had been doing them every 3rd day or something for about 3 weeks to get to being able to do 4 sets of 10 reps....but now I have hurt it again. Does anyone else know of anything that maybe wrong with my form to cause this? Or does anyone know of a guide on the net with a good form for chins? I don't think I'm doing anything bad, but maybe I am, I could do with sorting it out as it really stops my progress in the gym everytime I do it.
I have been doing them again for a while and have just got to being able to do 4 sets of 10 reps again (I think this is good for someone who is about 220lbs!). The last time I did it, I again woke up with a bad neck the next day. Sometimes it does it that way, other times I feel my neck creak mid-exercise, and it hurts and stiffens straight away. This usually results in a number of 'knots' in my traps and upper back, which I normally have seen by a physio or masseuse who manipulates them until they are gone. It has just done it again, I had been doing them every 3rd day or something for about 3 weeks to get to being able to do 4 sets of 10 reps....but now I have hurt it again. Does anyone else know of anything that maybe wrong with my form to cause this? Or does anyone know of a guide on the net with a good form for chins? I don't think I'm doing anything bad, but maybe I am, I could do with sorting it out as it really stops my progress in the gym everytime I do it.