Sport Bad bad bad weekend

Sport Fitness
So yeah, everyone knows about those weekends where you are like "Ok, im gonna cheat a little cause its a long holiday weekend. I'll try my best to keep it clean but not gonna let it get in the way of having a little fun." To me, those are famous last words.

Man I screwed up this weekend. Lots of pizza, cookies and beer. i still did my cardio and lifting as usual. I put on 4 pounds in 4 days. I'm not the type of person to let it get me down that much. I did what i did, and now back to eating right.

Would it be beneficial to hit the cardio harder this week to compensate, or should i just keep it up like i nothing happened?
Keep it like nothing happened and continue on.
I know the feeling

I feel you. Same here killed the burgers,hotdogs and lots of beer. I agree with LV just keep going I'm doing the same today man. It was a long weekend dude im sure a lot of people fell off the wagon.
In my humble opinion... if that is possible, the issue of what to do about all the crap that you ate is not the issue. The issue is how committed are you to achiving your goals (if they are even clearly defined).

Why is it that we would like to have "such and such" but when it is time to become committed to achiveing the desired results, we self sabotoge? I dont care how you put it: "It is only this weekend", "Gee, I dont want to be a maniac", "Cant I just enjoy once in a while?".... whatever the excuse or rebuttle, the results speak for themselves... there was a breakdown in your committment to yourself and this is probably not the first or only place in your life that this lack of true committment is causeing havoc.

I may sound like a jerk, but the results speak for themsleves. Here's my suggestion: unless you are 100% committed to your program and executing it to the fullest, dont bother. The world is full of enough ordinay people with their ordinary issues... if you want to life and be recognized as an extraordinary person - in any regard. Then attention to the deails and a do-or-die sense of urgency is needed. Stop the crap.

With Compassion,

Elliott Hulse "The Primal Guy"
with all due respect, there are different levels of dedication. And while its easy for you to make such a black and white distinction between being commited and being a lazy-unhealthy person, i think you are full of crap.

I've worked my butt off to get as far as i have. Yeah i slip up sometimes, but i get right back on the wagon. My goals are long term and i will see results because I AM commited to reaching those goals. Just because my route may not be as direct as yours or other peoples. I'm more dedicated to taking off these pounds than I've ever been before in my life. I'm in this for life. This isnt some fad or phase in my life.

And for you to make the comment... "there was a breakdown in your committment to yourself and this is probably not the first or only place in your life that this lack of true committment is causeing havoc."... You have no right to assume anything about how i live my life. I've been through more hardship in my life than most people. I've pulled myself out from being a drug addicted low-life nothing to a self-sufficient college educated individual.

I understand your intentions are to motivate me. But your logic makes little sense. You'd rather see a person be lazy and not even TRY to get healthy, than to see someone gradually improving their life and maybe slipping up a little bit?

These forums are for those that are 100% commited as well as motivating those people who may not have the time or lifestyle to commit to 100%. I'm the latter. I dont train and coach for a living. I have an office job and a family. I do what i can with what i have.

I dont need to be extrodinairy because im doing this for myself and no one else.
Primal - Totally off the mark here. That's just the attitude that turns people away from being fit and eating healthy because the second they eat a piece of cake they go "why bother, I'll never be as thin/buff as s/he cause I lack the will power" As junkfoodbad pointed out he cares about his health but it's not his full-time job to be some body builder. And quite frankly, I think it's not smart to keep on a diet during a holiday that you are spending with friends/family because you'll just annoy everyone with your eating habits and make yourself miserable.

Anyways, I put on 4 pounds in 4 days before too when I totally piged out at the Rolex in Kentucky. I agree with others to just continue on with your routine and not punish yourself for your slip with exercising more. If you just get back into your regular routine you'll lose what you gained in a week I bet.

Replys to my post are well put... thank you!

Consider for a moment, that if we all assume complete responability for ourselves and abandon our honored "victim" status that allows our circumstances (family,work, past, currnet holidays, race, religion...) to dictate our life's outcome that we would be 10X more powerful than we can even dream of.

Yes, my purpose is to motivate... but through making people aware of their self-imposed limitations. You CAN have it all... family, career, health, wealth! Let us abondon the "lack consiousness" that has pervaded our culture and conditioning for so long. You are a powerful being, recognise your ability and allow NOTHING to stop you from BEing what it is that you claim to BE. It is your duty as a member of the human race to become extraordinary, because when you succeed, I succeed and the hungry children in China succeed - "All boats rise when the tide comes in."

If anyone is annoyed with my bluntess, perhaps it is an opportunity to explore where you are comming from and why there is resistance.


"The Primal Guy"
Primal said:
You are a powerful being, recognise your ability and allow NOTHING to stop you from BEing what it is that you claim to BE. It is your duty as a member of the human race to become extraordinary, because when you succeed, I succeed and the hungry children in China succeed - "All boats rise when the tide comes in."

Please consider the fact that what i want to BE is someone who is health concious and also enjoy really sinfully tasty foods sometimes in excess on holiday weekends and maybe a few random weekends out of the year. for YOU that is not what you want to BE. But im am perfectly satisfied with the way I live. I am not here to BE what YOU want me to BE.

Primal said:
If anyone is annoyed with my bluntess, perhaps it is an opportunity to explore where you are comming from and why there is resistance.

There is no resistance. You sound like the Borg on Star-Trek (sorry im a bit of a nerd) "You will be assimilated, resistance is futile." I'm not playing a victim. I am happy with my progress and my goals. Just because I dont have as dedicated an attitude towards fitness, does not make me inferior. That would be like me arguing that because i make more money than you, and because you don't have a job paying you in the upper 6 figures, that you arent "extrodinary" and should be trying harder. Or if you dont want to try harder, then just become unemployed cause its just not worth it.
Bad weekends mean nothing. Independence Day is meant for celebrating. Primal: your dedication is interesting but if people took your proposition seriously, everyone in the world would be fat. Who on Earth would embark in getting fit when they're told you can never eat a cupcake ever again and if you do, just forget it? Progression is achieved through steps. 1 step back, take 2 steps forward.
I love cheat days.

My last cheat day, I ate regularly in the morning. When I got to work I ate a corn muffin and a jelly donut with some hot chocolate.

For lunch I ate a chicken and lamb pita sandwich.

For dinner I ate a supersized mcdonalds meal.

The next day, not only did I see no negatives but I swear my muscles got a wee bit bigger and defined.

Now my cheat day a week doesn't compare to a 4 day splurge, but even if I splurged I would realize how dedicated I am to my diet and working out that I wouldn't care much about it as that gained insignificant amount of fat will be burned in no time.

Do not feel down on yourself for being a human and wanting to celebrate and relax from your everyday lifestyle for a couple of days.
i personally never cheat- the worst i have done in 2 years is eat a scoop of peanut butter(i eat 2 scoops/day). Human beings arent perfect. If you are weight training with high intensity, believe it or not CHEATING CAN BENIFIT YOU. All those extra calories feed your muscles and with some fat, you gain major muscles(depending on how good your jeans are). Splurging is actually encouraged in some cases.
While I understand where primal is coming from, I don't agree with his manner of putting it. Motovation and self awarness is important yes, however so is enjoying life. Afterall whats the point of living longer if your not living.

As far as the 4 pounds, chances are it was the massive intake of sodium and water gain that did that. In general one "cheat" will contain enough sodium to last a day or two for intake. I even having just one cheat will bloat and "gain" a few pounds. I combat that with eating healthy, taking in extra water, a good multi and contiue on my way. So get some good water in you junk, should be just fine.
Primal and everyone else:

I do understand where you are coming from Primal, as I too include fitness and health at the very top of my "life hierarchy." I link my achievements and my health to personal excellence. I also try to be the best trainer that I can be, and impact as many people's lives with as much power as possible. I want to change my client's lives. I have a great career, a great fiancé and family, and a great overall life. I feel 100% powerful and successful. However, what I have achieved that makes me FEEL powerful and successful may not be the same things that would make someone else feel powerful and successful.

My point is, different strokes for different folks. I think you are assuming that everyone must live up to your expectations in life that you have set for yourself. This is just ludicrous thinking. I am not trying to come across as rude, but if you are a trainer, you may want to rethink your approach.

Your approach would work perfectly for someone with my mindset. I have done your approach with myself. However, many people are not like you and me. And our ways are not necessarily correct. Everyone has their own personal goals in life and values, and as long as they set them out, and work towards them enough to achieve them, those people are going to lead a life of happiness. They may not reach greatness in the gym, but maybe they are the perfect parent, or a doctor who cures cancer, or a teacher that builds the best minds of this day. Whatever the case may be, greatness can come in many different packages.

To assume that someone is not being "great" in life based on their dedication to their fitness or nutrition plan is flawed.

It is the people who are too lazy to work hard enough to even come close to their PERSONAL goals, or worst yet, are so out of control that they have never even thought about personal development, progress, and goals that we need to worry about. They are the people who need stern wake up calls.

Most of the people in this forum, and in the health circles in general who are working towards their goals, do not need the "verbal slap in the face" approach that you try implementing. If anything, it is a turn off to those who are trying. While I realize your intentions are good, the outcomes are not.

There are times when I am training a client who just can't figure out why he is paying me to train him. He is not seeing results at all, and what good am I? Now he seems to be forgetting the fact that he stopped by Micky D's on the way to the gym and scarfed down 2 big macs and a large fry. Oh yea, and that was the only thing he ate all day. Yea, I want to "verbally slap" the HELL out of the guy. Hell, I want to strangle him! But I have learned over time that this gets you know where.

Long post, but wanted to offer my 2 cents.
Man strout, you are your endless posts/novels..ugh;) , totally kidding...

No worries dude, everyone splurges sometimes, I ate awful over the holiday and put on fat, but just get back at it even harder it's all good
Stroutman, as usual you're right on the money and responded to primal in a way I wish I could have.

Primal, I can't see posts like that being particularly helpful to anyone

Primal said:
If anyone is annoyed with my bluntess, perhaps it is an opportunity to explore where you are comming from and why there is resistance.


Or perhaps your bluntness is just annoying?
Primal said:
In my humble opinion... if that is possible, the issue of what to do about all the crap that you ate is not the issue. The issue is how committed are you to achiving your goals (if they are even clearly defined).

Why is it that we would like to have "such and such" but when it is time to become committed to achiveing the desired results, we self sabotoge? I dont care how you put it: "It is only this weekend", "Gee, I dont want to be a maniac", "Cant I just enjoy once in a while?".... whatever the excuse or rebuttle, the results speak for themselves... there was a breakdown in your committment to yourself and this is probably not the first or only place in your life that this lack of true committment is causeing havoc.

I may sound like a jerk, but the results speak for themsleves. Here's my suggestion: unless you are 100% committed to your program and executing it to the fullest, dont bother. The world is full of enough ordinay people with their ordinary issues... if you want to life and be recognized as an extraordinary person - in any regard. Then attention to the deails and a do-or-die sense of urgency is needed. Stop the crap.

With Compassion,

Elliott Hulse "The Primal Guy"

I REALLY hope you don't use this approach with your beginning clients.
everyone should have a posative outlook towards nutrition:
ex: if 1 400 lb man started dieting, would i help if i said, "why do you even try??? the chance of an overweight man that has type 2 diabetes to lose 200 pounds is 1 in 1,000."

discouraging people only shows how cocky and self ritous you really are