From one day to another my motivation died....seriously. I was curling 15 pounds and now im back 5. Today I couldn't do it. I did it at first but then I felt as my postion was wrong so then I tried taking off pounds all the way 5 and that's where I could do it in good form but it got me really tired. I often get thoughts in my head that if I don't do it perfectly it wont work so im obsessed with that. So when I was curling 5 pounds it jsut meant I wasted time so I stopped....Im pissed now...I also changed my workout from WS4SB to focusing on some body parts each day. Just that I had to rant sry....
Read the stickies and other information I provided.
How old are you?
Do you have access to a gym or training at home? If training at home what is the equipment you have available?
If you want help, you need to open up with your responses, young man.
You are being far too vague. You have to remember, we know NOTHING about you. How can we assist you when our knowledge bank "about you" is empty?
Peoples goals can be different; there starting bodily position can be different. There personal biological problems (if any) can vary, and likewise, the diet and fitness approach has to be suited to these sorts of variables.
List your goals specifically.
Read my information I gave you:
Additionally, read the Nutrition 101 Sticky. Post your approximated calorie needs, and post ANY questions you may have.
We all have lives, and most of us know that life doesn't necessarily provide the time to eat (multiple) times during the day. In this case, we act with education as our backup. We get our allowed calories and nutrition in with the time we have available to eat; but we should always strive to eat often and within our calorie/nutrition guide lines we set up for our goals.
Let me make this clear: If you want to earn your goal, and prevent a lot of headache and heartache as you move along your goal path, you must educate yourself on the various exercise content, and various aspects of diet and nutrition, that will provide you the information you need to be successful,
and allow you to look at yourself with "educated eyes" as you receive feedback from your body.
Today, more than ever before, we have information at our finger tips to assist us with our goals.
I know, I am 47, and as little as 20 years ago (or less), persons with diet and fitness goals, didn't have near the access to good information---in the comfort of their home, as they do now.
As I type this, I KNOW I have a nutritionist and weight trainer--right at my finger tips.
One may have to weed through the BS to get to sound and reputable information, but everything one needs to be successful in diet and fitness IS readily available.
There is no shortage of information, my brotha.
I will not fail.
I will not fail my body.
I am all it has.
The absolute destoyer of motivation and personal goals are:
uneducated and being unable to consistently self-govern one's self.
And, being
educated, and
being unable to consistently self-govern one's self in what they learn.
For example: Some know what they should do (they studied it, have applied it), but something inside them prevents them to logically adapt to their varying lifestyle, adjust, and consistently
apply it long enough to see results.
Additionally, if they do, and the feedback they get, isn't to their personal taste, they get disgusted. Normal reaction, sure. SO WHAT! Disgust solved nothing by itself. But, it "should" spin off more fire inside, not stamp it out!
Scientists have studied the human body for many years, but still haven't "completely" figured out the human body. However, their persistence over many years have revealed a "wealth" of understanding on how it functions, and have made much progress through the years.
Is this sort of situation any different when we diet and fitness train? When we start a diet and fitness program, we don't know "absolutely for sure" how are bodies are going to respond. We can have a general idea (applying basic and advanced basic principles), but we can't be certain.
My point: We have to get "educated" on the "fly" with our bodies:
We learn as we go. The more we apply the more we learn. The more we learn, the more we can learn where to adjust, adapt, and correct. Though we are made the same, we can each respond differently.
We must figure out our personal puzzle, in order to stand on our personal podium.
Some lose touch with this reality:
The body is the ultimate adapting master.
But whom is in charge of this master?
I have been at this site for well over a year.
And, I can honestly say that the most persistent KILLER of a goal that I have seen is:
Unable to properly handle diet within their lives. How many times
"falling on face" is it going to take, before this reality sinks in?
I was baby sitting my next door neighbors 3 year old child the other day for a few hours, while she had to go to work, unexpectedly. She told me she didn't want him to have any candy. My wife keeps a candy dish on the coffee table in the living room. I refused to remove this candy dish from the table, even after the child made several attempts to get the candy.
The child KNEW he wasn't allowed to have this candy (I told him no several times), but this didn't prevent him from still trying. Some adults act in the same way as this 3 year old child.
They KNOW they shouldn't have something (as it falls out of scope of the calorie restriction), but do it anyway, and repeat this process over an over: If you do what you always did, you get what you always got. PERIOD.
I never removed this candy dish, I am a father, and raised two children.
Like in life, the candy dish is and will always be, available. The option of CHOICE is always available, and can be another silent KILLER of our dieting and fitness goals.
I DO NOT CARE what people say, the individual person is responsible for their own FAILURE to reach the diet and fitness goals. There is a way for ALL. Some may have to amend certain logistics, but their is a way.
Eventually, the child learned what the word "no" meant, and stopped reaching for the candy dish, and focused on playing with toys.
Confucius say: If one sits on tack. One's butt hurts.
Confucius say: If you repeat sitting on tack. Same thing happens.
Repeat as necessary until one gets "point".
Leave your view of the world "untainted" to errant ways of the self and be aware of them, to open a brand new world of self awareness.
The outer conditions of a person's life will always be found to reflect their inner beliefs
Take your young passion and make this happen.
Answer my questions............get this thread ROCKEN with appropriate questions from you, and get your personal goal started.
And, one more thing, he, he!!!
YOU are the
YOU will have the
And will be the greatest
FAN of the bad thoughts
BAN--------------ROCK ON!!!!!
What WINNERS play by!
Take care of yourself
Be Proactive and preventative about your physical health--it is a precious gift. And when ALL THE SMOKE CLEARS and lets say you have all the money in the world, you would give it ALL UP to be healthy and alive.
Take care of yourself.
See life as a continuous learning experience
The days we live are the School of life (there are lessons to be learned) Learn from your lessons and move on to the next thing. Success is a process not event.........ROCK ON!
You Get what you Pay for
First this means putting time and effort into something, and second it means that there is an investment requirement to the goal you seek; something for nothing DOES NOT WORK HERE and doesnt exist.
Use "Mistakes" as Stepping stones for future success
There are no failures only lessons; there is DIGNITY in failing when TRYING, if something doesnt work, try something else
Keep the drive Alive
You can be your own worst Enemy or your BEST FRIEND
Compete with yourself, raise your standards. Dont compare yourself with others, your success comes from doing your best with what you have, and many frustrations will disappear.
Choose to be a Champion
You will make the necessary investment and adjustments to succeed and achieve, BABY!
All of you have in you to be WINNERS AND CHAMPIONS!........
Reaching your goal is no accident. Those that make it to their goal; Work at and earn it.
Want to know why I am so high all the time? I remember the THUNDER of my goal path. It makes reaching my goal so sweet.
YOU ROCK! Make your engine GO OFF!..........BLAST OFF THE PAD, BABY!
Best wishes to all of you each and every day!