Back position during deadlifts

When I do deadlifts, no matter how hard I try, I can not arch my back. The best I can do is have a flat back.

Will this cause problems / injuries? If so, how can I correct this? Is this lack of flexibility common in older folks like me (50)?

I only do deadlifts sporadically. I have never had a back problem and want to keep it that way.

Not sure why you are concerned re a flat back? There is little point in trying to do something in an unnatural position, so if you have a naturally flat back, and if it's healthy, and you are technically good at deadlifting, then you should be fine.

What the future may hold of course is a whole different area. It may be worth you having a spinal health check just to put your mind at rest.

If the question is about over 50s flexibility, I'd certainly recommend maintaining/developing your back in this context. The key area for back flexibility in my experience is the hamstrings. If you develop this, the chances are you will keep your lower back in better shape.

Lower back stretches lying down, pulling knees to chest, single knee to chest, single knee to opposite chest side etc are all valuable stetches for us oldies too.

Impressive weight your lifting - good stuff.

It might be best to actually post a video of your form so that we can see what you mean by "arching your back". Rounding your back in deads is a big no-no, so just post what you do and let us be the judge. :action2: