Awesome Weight Training Book

For anyone that wants to:

1. Gain lean muscle mass
2. Achieve muscular defenition
3. Learn what supplements are good/bad for you
4. Learn what types of cardio are the best for losing body fat while maintaining lean muscle
5. Gain strength in core muscles

Check out "Bodybuilding 101" by Robert Wolff, PhD

With this book I've so far gained 9 lbs of lean muscle mass, improved my situps per minute to 75 (used to be 60), improved my pullups to 10 (used to be 3), and gained more muscular defenition, all in 3 months. Im 15 yrs old, 5 foot 11... was 146 lbs before starting weight training with "Bodybuilding 101", now im 154 lbs and a heck of a lot stronger. If you're just starting out in weight training and need a good guide or even if you're experienced but just need some more variety in the types of workout routines in your program, this book defenitely provides great information.
How much is this book? and what kind of advice does it give?
I had it for like 2 years but never looked at it till summer. The price tag on it says $17.95, so i dont think its changed that much price wise.

"Covering everything from nutrition basics, common training mistakes, and powerful mental strategies to specialized training for your body type and the 22 best machine exercises, Bodybuilding 101 appeals to men and women of all ages, from beginner to advanced fitness enthusiast - anyone who desires a stronger, firmer, and shapelier body but does not have the know-how to achieve it. More than 200 photos by the best physique and exercise photographers in the industry help to explain exercises step by step."

--Thats basically what it says on the back cover of the book.
It goes really in depth about the basics of body building/ weight training. How to start, good exercises to build a solid foundation, nutrition, and its all very basic and simple once you actually get to reading it. It's not like those books where they give you a specific program and thats what you have to do in order to achieve muscle. It gives you routines with lots of different exercises for every muscle group, and teaches what things you must change in workouts when you go from being a beginner - intermediate - advanced. It also has a whole chapter devoted to the best exercises, tricks for gaining muscle in areas that are usually hard to gain muscle in (ex. biceps) and has tons of "forgotten" exercises for muscle groups that aren't generally known but are very effective in achieving muscle. It's an all around awesome book, and its all i've needed in terms of body building knowledge in my weight training so far.