Awesome bodyweight training

I've been experimenting with some new training with bodyweight. Basically I start off in the familiar pushup position, and every rep, I move the position of my arms, so go from a wide grip to close grip, to backward grip forward, one arm out. But this way I'm working so many muscles in the upper body. sometimes I walk across the room one arm by one. I know this looks stupid when you do it, but it does so much for my upper body.

What do you think?
Body Weight

I am a huge fan of Body Weight routines!! Pushups are right at the top of my list. Along with moving your hand position try moving your feet. Raise them on a bench and try eventually for an assisted handstand pushup. Try doing them with your hands on the side of a medicine ball. Put a 25 lb plate on your back and do your walking.

I do alot of different BW stuff sometimes as a warmup to the weights or just a full routine.

Lately I've found alot of benefits from punching a heavy bag as a form of intense cardio. Good for stress and pumping oxy to the muscles.
You are working the same three muscles regardless of hand/arm position. Triceps, chest & shoulders. You can target these three differently, but you are not going to incorporate any other muscle groups with push ups.
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Dont slow down, just set your mind to it, move forward and in time you'll see yourself in a better shape. Personally, from my own experience, seeing myself toner only gives me more encouragement to keep moving forward.

With Best of Hope,