I am someone who has had four knee surgeries on the same knee, and now no cartilage... oh yeah, I went through a police academy which ran 5 days a week, and ended with a ten mile run. So I know a thing or two about knee pain and how to help it. And by the way, I have run a 5k in 20:20 while weighing 180, and I am faster now; so I run enough to give some advice I think:
The first thing is to reduce the days or your running by one day - to start. The academy KILLED my knee running EVERY day, and some in the snow.
The second thing that I do even now - I take glucosamine/chondroitin pills. They seem to help - whether it is real or psychological I don't know, but i rarely have knee pain while running now.
The third - a high quality running shoe with plenty of comfort.
And the forth - which came from a friend of who was an alternate on the 1996 U.S. Olympic Team for the 800m - try to be 'lighter' on the feet - don't go hard on the heels, use a lot of calf to absorb your weight like a shock, and then push off with the calf as well.
I only run two days a week doing HARD intervals - HIIT work. My times are dropping very nicely.
Just my thoughts from experience.