Weight-Loss Avocados



New member
Since I started my weight loss I've been scared to eat avocados because I had heard they were filled with fat and calories. My sister and mom told me they were good calories. I just laughed at them. Finally, I decided to look it up and avocados and really good for you! Not bad at all like I thought.
i looooove guacamole. i could eat a guacamole sandwich if nobody would laugh at me

275 calories for a medium avacado
25 grams of fat

gucamole needs atleast one large and a medium :( got my hopes up ,its too much
avocado can be good and bad I've found.

Bad in that it's FAT.
Good in that it's fat with vitamins and nutrients. And the fat that u're eating is all unsaturated fats at the very least.

Plus I've found that just putting a slice of avocado or some homemade guacamole into a sandwich instead of mayo can make it 5x creamier and 10x more healthier than mayo.