Sport aut viam inveniam aut faciam (I'll Either Find a Way or Make One)

Sport Fitness
Everyone is talking about diet, which one is the best, which one is the worst but we fail miserably in understanding the term.

This is what i came across today:


1. A PERMANANT EATING LIFESTYLE. Almost ALL Americans misconstrued (misinterpret) this word as a temporary change in eating habits to loose weight - such as a “protein diet”

2. A word used by large food corporations to deceive old/fat women and men into believing their product is actually remotely healthy.

3. What fat people need

4. A food consumption pattern lazy people take up in the place of regular exercise in order to lose weight.

5. The thing you’re on today, then off of tomorrow

6. A four-letter word that often leads to deprivation, frustration and, ultimately, failure

As i said, diet has different meaning to different people. My choice is #1, what is your’s?
Obviously #1.
Everyone is talking about diet, which one is the best, which one is the worst but we fail miserably in understanding the term.

This is what i came across today:


1. What goes down your throat hole and (usually) comes back out your bung hole.

fyp bb

np yw bizzle