Aussie boy training - for the RAAF -

First, to introduce myself, I'm Pierce and for the last 5 years I've been coasting through life at a McDonalds store earning minimum wage and wasting way too much time on videogames, however I've always been going to the gym ever since I left school and got a job. I've also only been doing it halfhearted all that time I suppose...

A couple weeks ago my best friend did something life changing and got off his x-box and joined the air-force. When he came back for a weeks leave, he was looking excellent, and told me all about the experiences he has had (which sound amazing) and so long story short, I have now applied to join. However I have applied to join the hardest troops you can apply for (unlike my lazy friend) and after extensive reading and info gathering on the course I've joined I guess looking back I had no idea how hard it is going to be when they take me in.

Basically I'm signed up and when they call I heed, It could be a month or it could be three. However long it is I am going to use this thread to chronicle all my training and eating habits as a reason to push myself so that basically others (everyone else here :p ) can criticize my choices and help me make better ones. This is pretty much a diary for me, open to you. I don't mind if anyone reads it or if no one reads it, I guess the fact that its available for others to see is enough to make me happy.

I currently weigh 64kgs and am 5.75 feet tall, have great arms (incredibly toned and i can curl 16kgs all day so im happy), have a slight belly and a bit too much body fat preventing my 6pack from showing if you know what i mean. I can only hope to get stronger and faster and enjoy the rest of my civilian life while I have it. (this wont be so hard considering I quit my job and have all my time to myself)
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So today went well, After waking up I ripped into a protein bar (i know they arent that good for you) went straight to the gym and jogged 40 minutes for 6km's. Because my sister was there I didn't get to stay as long as I wanted but also did about 20 minutes of weights. Right now I'm curling 12kgs 30 reps with 3 sets, I should probably move it up tomorrow. Also doing at least 4 sets of 10 full length slow pull-ups and 3 sets of 20 crunches.

Hoping over the next week weights increase and cardio speed increases.

I am considering getting back onto some protein powder because "sanitarium UPnGO" drinks taste so good they cant be healthy. Any ideas? Also honestly is a protein shake considered a meal replacement (for breakfast)?
Hi and welcome.

what are you eatting for solid proteins. real food. What is life like in a day of Aussie boy's diet?

Are you following a readymade program or are you following your own program? If so could you list it here? Right now it looks like you are just winging it and have no focus. Nothing wrong with that. The member Johnny83 does this and things workout great for him. Others, like me need a plan. Do you have one?

Good luck on your goal.
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Well my workout regime is followed to a tee, that is i go to the gym 6 days a week, alternating cardio day then weight lifting day, with every sunday as a day off for full recovery.

My workouts are pushing me and im definitely increasing my muscle mass, however I am also putting on weight, even with extensive cardio and I know it's because of my eating habits which are healthy one day, pizza hut the next...

Soo, in order to stop whinging from occurring, and to make sure the advice I get is 100% perfect, I am going to visit a dietitian and have a 1 month food plan laid out for me to lower my body fat percentage based on the workouts I already do.

Also, if you are trying to put muscle on, most body builders, power lifters, and fitness freaks will suggest that you eat anywhere from 1-2 (or more)grams of protein per body weight pound, to gain muscles mass. From what I’ve seen firsthand and heard through others is that most dieticians do not suggest such a high protein intake. Once you have seen the dietician I’d be curious as to their stance on the subject. Just want to see another sample of thought from another dietician.
How's the life change coming?

Getting it done!!

What's the plan!!!