Attention HO....see my journal

Hey Gang,

I've been bustin' my butt and really taking it to the weights, spin, run, swim & racquetball....and running a cheap caloric intake! :)

Btw....since my knee injury I've returned to the racquetball court and resumed my domination over the other league members. I have re-established my rightful place....that being 1st Place. Ya know why I'm in 1-st Place? Cause Chillen told me to f-in ROCK IT....and ya know, that sounded like a good plan. :D

Anways, I snapped a few mirror pics of myself and I have to admit, I'm a bit happy with what I found. Yeah, I'm sucking it in a bit and pumping-up the muscles....but I've come to terms with the fact that I'm a shallow attention ho and after YEARS OF BEING A FATTY, it's okay to run a bit of an ego and have some fun. So check-out the BSL journal and see what 5' 8" and 235 pounds looks like. And feel free to feed my ego as I'll harnass that energy as further motivation. :D

And btw....all I've done is burned a LOT of fat AND gained muscle at the same time. It can be done: too easy drill-seargent! :D
There's nothing wrong with being an attention ho ... just as long as you don't solicit :yelrotflmao: