Well, I do some form of squat every time I train, and when I compare that to squatting only once or twice a week, I definitely get more out of it and squat better when I squat more frequently.
But for glutes, while squats are good and you SHOULD be doing them often, glute bridges/hip thrusts are significantly better. Do them (after some hip flexor stretches to ensure you get the best ROM you can -- hyperextension of the hips is perfectly fine and actually optimal for the glutes, just don't hyperextend the lumbar spine while you're at it) 2-3x/week and you'll get far superior results than squats, deadlifts and lunges could give you on their own, or even all together. Make sure you eat, too. You can't build muscle out of nothing, so if you're only eating 1200kcal/day, your glutes won't do much growing no matter what you do.