I'm a 17 yr old high order computer nerd (Microsoft Certified Pro.), but believe it or not I'm very fit and athletic, I'm a very good short dist. runner and I've been swimming an hour a day, 5 days a week for the last 8 years and thats the ONLY reason I'm fit and have a very proper upper body.
I can't play sports for nuts I plan to join some basketball coaching soon.
I have no idea about workouts but i want to start soon, So after some research heres what I've planned, please give me suggestions or changes.
I want to A. Build long dist. stamina, B. Build a little more muscle(NO BULKY muscles) C. Shape my thighs and legs.
Get up at 6am
Drink some milk
Go for a walk to the jogging park
Jog 3-4 kms,(with weights on my leg?) take a sprint for 300 mts at the end.
Do some stretches, then push ups, (what do i do for my stomach??? detailed plz)
Walk back to the pool, do some pullups,
Swim for 20-30 mins?
get back home by 9-10am and eat some eggs with wheat bread?
Someone suggested doing a little weights, what weights do i need and how do i do them?
Btw, I'm 5ft 8in, 62 Kgs(136 pounds) Waist is about 30-31 cms. also, I have much more weight/fat down in my thighs.
Thanks so much
I'm a 17 yr old high order computer nerd (Microsoft Certified Pro.), but believe it or not I'm very fit and athletic, I'm a very good short dist. runner and I've been swimming an hour a day, 5 days a week for the last 8 years and thats the ONLY reason I'm fit and have a very proper upper body.
I can't play sports for nuts I plan to join some basketball coaching soon.
I have no idea about workouts but i want to start soon, So after some research heres what I've planned, please give me suggestions or changes.
I want to A. Build long dist. stamina, B. Build a little more muscle(NO BULKY muscles) C. Shape my thighs and legs.
Get up at 6am
Drink some milk
Go for a walk to the jogging park
Jog 3-4 kms,(with weights on my leg?) take a sprint for 300 mts at the end.
Do some stretches, then push ups, (what do i do for my stomach??? detailed plz)
Walk back to the pool, do some pullups,
Swim for 20-30 mins?
get back home by 9-10am and eat some eggs with wheat bread?
Someone suggested doing a little weights, what weights do i need and how do i do them?
Btw, I'm 5ft 8in, 62 Kgs(136 pounds) Waist is about 30-31 cms. also, I have much more weight/fat down in my thighs.
Thanks so much