athletic computer nerd needs specific workout plan


I'm a 17 yr old high order computer nerd (Microsoft Certified Pro.), but believe it or not I'm very fit and athletic, I'm a very good short dist. runner and I've been swimming an hour a day, 5 days a week for the last 8 years and thats the ONLY reason I'm fit and have a very proper upper body.

I can't play sports for nuts I plan to join some basketball coaching soon.

I have no idea about workouts but i want to start soon, So after some research heres what I've planned, please give me suggestions or changes.

I want to A. Build long dist. stamina, B. Build a little more muscle(NO BULKY muscles) C. Shape my thighs and legs.

Get up at 6am
Drink some milk
Go for a walk to the jogging park
Jog 3-4 kms,(with weights on my leg?) take a sprint for 300 mts at the end.
Do some stretches, then push ups, (what do i do for my stomach??? detailed plz)
Walk back to the pool, do some pullups,
Swim for 20-30 mins?
get back home by 9-10am and eat some eggs with wheat bread?

Someone suggested doing a little weights, what weights do i need and how do i do them?

Btw, I'm 5ft 8in, 62 Kgs(136 pounds) Waist is about 30-31 cms. also, I have much more weight/fat down in my thighs.

Thanks so much
For a “computer nerd” you sound pretty fit. From what I’ve read your main problem seems to be “I cant play sport for nuts.” This is something you should improve quickly, as you get older it gets progressively harder to learn basic coordination skills. Basketball is a great sport, if you find you don’t like it there are loads of other options like tennis, squash, mountain biking and rock climbing. Find one you like.

Even though you want to improve long distance endurance I would still recommend putting more intervals in your exercise program. Maybe every second day swap the 4 k run for intervals (60 seconds at 100%, 120 seconds at 75%) do that for 20 minutes. If you are doing intervals have the milk after the workout, otherwise you will throw it up guaranteed. Weights on legs can damage weak ankles, be careful.

Keep up the swimming.

When you ask what to do for stomach I’m not sure what you mean. If you mean to reduce fat on your stomach the only way to do that is to lose fat. If you mean working on your abs then I would suggest crunches, bridges, there’s loads of exercises out there.

For weight training I would suggest you try out some kettlebell training. On my blog I am running a three part physique transformation series called Transformer. I would suggest you have a look at part one and see if any of the workouts or diet ideas appeal to you. Check it out at . Also any tips from the “computer nerd” about my site would be extremely helpful. You can contact me via email, details on the website.

Good luck with your fitness program
I want to A. Build long dist. stamina, B. Build a little more muscle(NO BULKY muscles) C. Shape my thighs and legs.

First, as a side note, I wouldn't recommend drinking milk before a run. Animal products digest slowly.

Anyways, for putting on some muscle and building stamina I'd suggest you look into exercises that use body weight. They're great for just that kind of thing. Pushups, crunches, lunges, squats, dips, and pullups are a great place to start. There's a whole forum here for that, so take a look

Just be sure to eat smart for your goals. I'd be more worried though about not eating enough than eating too much. You won't build muscle unless you're eating a surplus