Cheers Sexanoe, I was considering something like that, small portion but packed full of what I need. And no, I don't have access to a microwave
I was thinking about something like this... Snack (11ish) mixed nuts, lunch (1ish) 2 slices of brown wholemeal bread with whatever meat I can find in the house along with some fruit. Hopefully this will be sufficient.
I am having troubles knowing what to eat at college, since I have no cooking facilities (Cheeseburgers, sausages and chips won't fit my diet plan from the canteen lol).
Any suggestions for someone looking at a low carb intake (loosing weight)? Stuck for ideas.
Who is buying your food at the house? You giving them money? go to the store and buy what you need. I guess the cash is low but you arn't getting by on others scraps....are you, let us know, that my help us help you. You say no cooking facilities, yet there is leftover meat at the house. Who cooks the meat? Buy a small grill.
wheat bread
cottage cheese (I don't care just eat it)
Sorry, I am not clear enough. I have all the foods I need bought for me, my family isn't in any financial problems I also think the term "college" must be confused from US to UK, here college is before university, your university is college? Correct me if I am wrong;
to the point, I only spend 4/6 hours at college each day. To answer your question, yes I have cooking facilities at home, it's just knowing what I can take with me to eat. Usually most of my meals are cooked and eaten within my house (just had a 5month break from college, so this is all new). To simplify my question, I need to take something practical... The things you listed I can get