Sport aspartame

Sport Fitness
ok, i chew a crap lot of sugarless orbit bubblegum. probably about 10-15 sticks every 2 days on a regular basis(school...). that 10-15g of aspartame. should i worry about that? cause ive seen the humongous list of side effects of, if thats not good for the health, would it just be smarter to chew bubble gum with real sugar in it. otherwise ill just stop chewing bubble gum cold turkey.

really want to know...any thoughts are appreciated.

the side effects are pretty incredible....they are actually hard to beleive. knowing america.
i don't like fake food - fake sugar - fake dairy products - i would limit the real thing, but hey, that's me..............
From what I heard, the amount of aspartame that caused problems in animals was (in the whole body weight ratio calculation) equivalent to drinking 20 bottles of diet pepsi a day.