Sport aspartame vs supplement blend sweeteners

Sport Fitness
I have been getting this cheap aspartame sweetener but last time I saw a different version by the same maker that instead of using aspartame it uses:
3.6% Saccharin
Cream of Tartar
Calcium Silicate

both use Dextrose with Maltodextrin as its base ingredient

any idea about the pros and cons of each sweetener?
aspartame is not good for you. try another sweetener. aspartame has been linked to seizures and other problems. never tested
and saccharine is a known carcinogen, since the late 1960's.

i stick to splenda for artificial sweeteners. a.k.a. Sucralose
"The Bad Choice Set"

Artificial Sweeteners v. Refined White Sugar

Substitute an artificial sweetener of your choice (and at peace with) to replace refined white sugar (Refrain from Refined White Sugar like you would a disease)

Here is why: (link)

To keep a desire for sweet items at bay or within the confines of personal tolerance and within your goal parameters while dieting, I would like you to think about this view:

Think of sweeteners (both artificial sweeteners and refined white sugar, for example) as having to make a choice from:

"A Bad Choice Set" and this "Bad Choice Set" are Artificial Sweeteners v. Refined White Sugar, and how your decision to use one or the other will fit and be appropriate within your dietary and physical fitness goals.

A lot of persons use Splenda (and others types) (as it reduces calories and fits within their dietary goals), but this too has its critics:

Therefore, make a decision that is the best one for you among the "Bad Choice Set", that will not harm your personal goals you seek.

You must have "some appropriate and controlled obsession" in yourself toward your goal.

Having controlled obsession is critical, but some lose this obsession once they learn the amount of work it requires.

There eyes widen and the obsession then pops right out. Don't let this happen to you: Raise your Want-o-Meter to a new higher level.


Just feel the THUNDER of making correct decisions within diet and fitness! :)

Crack the mental lightening! It will charge you the heck up!

Watch the SMOKE RISE, baby! ;)


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is there a limit of how much you consume where you shouldnt have to worry?
i use 3 packs a day

The body is a wonderful machine and diet and fitness plays a major role in health. However, lets look at a couple of things. My Great-grandmother smoked (inhaling) cigars, and drank "heavily" from her early 20's until her death at 96 years old (Kidney failure). Some have died much earlier with a history like this.

My wife's Father smoked regular cigarettes all his life (about 50 years), and also drank heavily (until about age 62), and he died at 76 In January (problems associated with Alzheimers). Which is around the average life span. Some have died much earlier with a history like this.

Bottom line. I believe in the end of things, that its all in how "your" particular body processes the things you do to it.

Its seems that the things we consume or do to our bodies have different types of impact from one person to the next along with some silmular and expected impact. However, not all of us are impacted the same way.

I have this "thing" against refined white sugar, I admit.

Refined White sugar has a long history and believed to be connected to a variety of diseases. Now, I realize that I suggest shunning refined white sugar for an alternative that could be "viewed" as not much better than the one we are trying to stay away from, LOL. In the health sense......but not "necessarily" in the diet sense, however. After much study, and waying the pros and cons, I selected an item that best FITS within my dietary scope and the goal I want to achieve.

For example, I definately see why a person would have trouble consuming a sugar substitute that is basically sugar with a chlorine molecule attached (Splenda), and the process and chemicals involved to see that the product is made can sicken the stomach. This is one of the reasons I call it the "Bad Choice Set". One is selecting among some bad alternatives, but one needs to be made if one wants to eat sweet items--unless they strictly go with natural pure cane sugar, etc.

I think if you are deciding to use Spenda (as I do), use it in moderation. I have used it for the past two years in recipes, coffee, oatmeal, and other things, and I do not have any side effects or health effects (known). I get a deep and thorough physical every 4 months, and I am in better physical condition than I was 20 years ago (though I lost a step do to age, of course).

Use it in moderation and be very SMART within your dietary goals, and you should be okay. However, like I stated before, not all of our bodies process things we eat or do the same way.

Educate yourself and thereby make an informed decision.

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Stevia has its own share of pro and cons dependent on ones view on the matter. I have studied this sweetner as well. It has been used for many, many years by several countries,without any noteable complictions, but still FDA will not aprove it, LOL (like FDA is reputatable in the first place):

since all sweeteners have their downsides, wouldnt it be a good idea to keep cycling to different ones to keep your body from getting too much of one kind?

maybe like cycle between 3 sweeteners every week?
Whatever Chillen, the reason stevia isn't approved by the FDA is cause of political reasons. I can't believe you would support chemicals before an herb. I think that's irresponsible.
I'm not a fan of Stevia either. Read plenty of negative things about it, all over the place.
Natural doesn't always mean better. If it did, cane sugar would be fine. Honey would be fine.
I have yet to have heard of anyone coming forth with an experience of a bad reaction to stevia. Not true with aspartame, etc.

Other than what you read online have you ever experienced or been with someone who has experienced a bad side effect from consuming stevia?
I avoid artificial sweeteners just as much as I avoid trans-fat; I basically treat them all like poison.

I do consume refined sugar, mostly in the form of corn syrup when I cheat and have an occasional soda pop. Ideally, I would consume a lot less refined sugar than I do, but as it is, I consume a lot less refined sugar than I used to. I hope to continue progressively consume less and less refined sugar, just as I've been doing over the past year.

From what I understand, the healthiest sweeteners are organic sugar, honey (the less processed, the better), and real maple syrup. Of course, they all contain a lot of calories and you need to watch yourself on them, but they are healthier alternatives to table sugar or corn syrup.
I found a healthier alternative to all of these. Not use refined sugar at all.
I completely removed sugar from my diet, as well as the products that contain bad sugars/carbs. It was a bit hard the first month or two, but after that I got used to it, and have no problem living without it.
I really started liking coffee without sugar. If I want it to be a bit sweeter I just add some milk