This subject has been touched upon before, on the forum in the past.
I am VERY careful with my diet, and just consider myself a normal and healthy 47 year old man. With this said, I believe refine white sugar is the pure evil, and have come to personal terms with pros and cons Splenda.
And, have been very successful in using it.
With this said, I have used Splenda throughout my 35 pounds of weight loss, including dipping under 8% Body fat where I currently reside. I assure you, insulin spikes, and blood glucose levels are important to my diet and associated goals, and I understand the biological processes behind it.
We can not blanket cons of artificial sweeteners on everyone. Its seems as though the basic and advanced fundamentals of diet and fitness (along with using Splenda in my diet) has resulted in-weight loss, and tissue loss in the single digits.
The choice between Artificial Sweeteners and refined white sugar is decision I term as a: Bad Choice Set. If one desires something sweet in their diet, they MUST come to terms with one or the other as this decision can be bad one way other the other--dependent on how it effects YOU personally.
For instance, most diabetics can use Splenda without ANY known effects, and there are a VERY FEW that have undesirable effects. I have 3 diabetics I know, and all use Splenda without a known problem to their diabetic illness.
Most people (well, for lack of argument) don't realize, that just about everything is so-called natural (it all basically comes from the earth), but
what is natural isn't "necessarily" healthy (and this can depend on research and ones viewpoint).
Eat the wrong mushroom, he, he, for example, this is natural isn't it? Some of these an give you a buzzz (shut up

), kill you, or make you feel like your friggen dead (what ever that feels like

). But they are natural nonetheless.
Most of the problems surface when these so called natural items are "mixed and matched" together with another natural item from earth or when formed together from another natural ingredient to form something---new (in the scientific world).
Like with most things in life, there seems to be pros and cons, with most everything. Some are clear cut one way or the other, while others its not so clear. We must make up our minds among the vast amount of information that is more available now then ever before.
The question to ask one's self is how many chemicals are we truly consuming in the foods we eat (not just within artificial sweeteners).
When one looks at the growth period, processing, maintaining, and then shipment of foods (and subsequently attempts to educate one's self on this subject, it truly widen's the eye balls

Splenda is sugar with a chlorine molecule attached (to put this simply). In general and with "most" persons, it passes through the body "unrecognized" as an energy source, and in most cases, has no calorie value. Though the chemical make up of Splenda has been around of many years, its just in recent years, it was packaged in a commercial product dubbed, Splenda.
The jury is still out on whether it has any legit side effects, though you will find critics not to be in short supply. I have used it for nearly 3 years, and have a very thorough physical examination every 6 months, and I am more healthy now then in my youth.
To save writing space (because I do know alot about artificial sweeteners), do a google on Splenda (and the others) to get educated on it. While you are at it, study refined white sugar.
If you have "personal" complications with artificial sweeteners, I think after you study refined white sugar, you will have a personal complication with it as well. Make your "personal decision".
And, "here another example":
Stevia. Accepted by some to be great but not accepted by others to be that great. Which is it? A person makes decision based on tangible and reliable and accurate data--as best as possible.
Stevia has its own share of pro and cons dependent on ones view on the matter. I have studied this sweetener as well. It has been used for many, many years by several countries,without any notable complications, but still FDA will not approve it, LOL (like FDA is reputable in the first place):
(this is just one link, so take that for what its worth. There are other links supporting Stevia as well)
A lot of persons eat preservatives, pesticides, and other ingredients that they may deem undesirable, and don't even know it.
I have to tell on myself though. So here is a short story, in the hopes one can get something of value from it. I was gonna write a long response in this thread (Hey! I have a reputation to keep, he, he, just kidding). But, decided this should suffice:
For quite some time I purchased a box of frozen Talapia (fish) that came in packages of 98 calorie vaccumed serving sizes. I was in heaven. It was nearly the perfect serving size and fit within my dietary circumference perfectly. It looked so deliciously bright white and fresh; protein, natural, and health heaven--so I thought.
At the time and for several months (lol on me), I didnt bother to look at the ingredients because it "looked so fresh and natural". However, one day, one of the vaccumed packages was sitting on the counter ingredient side up (I was preparing one my favorite fish dishes, Grated Parmasen Talapia), and I skimmed over it not really reading it (I was taking things for granted), and two words caught my eye: Carbon Monoxide. I picked the package up thinking, what the heck?! Listed in the ingredients of the fish I had been consuming for several months was: Talapia and Carbon Monoxide.
I literally wanted to barf and I was sick to my stomach at the time (considering I have been consuming this type of fish and packaged brand) for several months, and the "thought" of consuming Carbon Monoxide (with what I personally knew about it) sickened me. I was so upset, that I didnt eat one of the pre planned fish meals and ate something else that day.
Of course, this sparked my investigative instinct and asked myself this question: "Why would frozen fish or other natural meats have Carbon Monoxide listed as one of the ingredients? Why would manufacturers and/or producers process this potentially "poisonous gas" (that can KILL a human being) with natural meat products? It didnt take long to locate one primary and difinitive answer: It makes packaged meat "retain" its natural fresh look longer (to make this a short sentence).
Information on Carbon Monoxide used with meat products are not in short supply, and its likewise FDA approved in its use. Let's say FDA stands for:

The links I provided are just to get the mind juices flowing. I have read extensively on the use of Carbon Monoxide through other reputable articles; however, in a rather short conclusion, it is contended that it in the amount used, it is so small--it has no adverse affects, but there are critics.
Some packaged meat products don't even list Carbon Monoxide as part of the meat processing process, so one "could" be literally consuming a meat product purchased from a supermarket (dependent upon where bought and what purchased) processed with Carbon Monoxide (and other chemicals) and not even know it.
This rather simple experience, really tweaked some thinking on how extremely perishable food items are processed, maintained, and shipped.
What's interesting to me, and the reason why I continually try to educate myself on these types of things, is the general disparity but yet some similarities between two persons doing the basic same eating and drinking habits (for sake of argument), and one will live longer than the other.
Open up your hearts brotha ans sista's! Its all YOU. You have it in you to do what it takes,