Weight-Loss Article: Eating Healthy on a Budget



New member
I wrote this article the other day. I'm not a journalist so the writing is not the best part. I included a couple recipes with photos of meals that I've made as alternatives to my unhealthy choices of days past. Enjoy!
MMMMMMMMMMMM. Bean burgers.
Great article. Of course I'm even cheaper. LOL! I use the dried beans, soak them, boil them.
MMMMMMMMMMMM. Bean burgers.
Great article. Of course I'm even cheaper. LOL! I use the dried beans, soak them, boil them.

Haha. I began writing as if aimed towards my friends. Most of my friends wouldnt' know what to do w/ a bag of dry beans, even if they were starving LOL
I agree, my mom would often make us corn bread and pinto beans when we were kids. I think the beans were from commodities or something (we were poor) I always thought they were delicious and meaty. My faves are pintos, garbanzos and Kidney beans.

I have a few dried bags, one plus too is not all the added sodium. :)