Arnie says Obama needs Squats and Curls

foxnews said:
The "Governator," a former bodybuilder, also had some fun at the expense of McCain's rival, Barack Obama, and Obama's slight frame.

"He needs to do something about those skinny legs, make him do some squats and some bicep curls to build up those scrawny little arms. If only we could do something about putting some meat on his ideas," he said, adding that McCain was "built like a rock."
. What is the Obama camp going to do in retaliation? Show us an obese guy and tell us McCain needs to lose some weight? Or make "Joe the plumber" appear on the Obama camp?
Arnie... you frustrate me...

I know he's only backing McCain because he's a "Republican" and the only reason he's a "Republican" is because that's the party he had to run in to get elected. He's a closet democrat and he knows it. Look who he's married to...:rolleyes:

And his comment about Obama's physique? Well, I agree, Obama's no bodybuilder, but he certainly looks healthy and full of vitality... he doesn't need to be bulky.

Funny article though.
I know he's only backing McCain because he's a "Republican" and the only reason he's a "Republican" is because that's the party he had to run in to get elected. He's a closet democrat and he knows it. Look who he's married to...:rolleyes:

He is quite the moderate... I really don't like the party system that we're currently stuck in. my views are a bit right of center, but I would have no problem voting for a democrat with conservative fiscal views. I would love to see a solid independent or libertarian candidate make a run - no need for "closet democrats" or "closet republicans", just run on what you actually believe and don't worry about "pissing off the base"...