Arm Wrestles. Arms breaking

So guys. I had an eventful family get together yesterday. Few cousins, aunts, uncles etc. Then something occured which I'm pretty annoyed about and feel really guilty.

My older cousin who's 22, has recently been working out a lot. He's gotten pretty big and strong. Before when I was 14 last year or so I had an arm wrestle with him and we were fairly well balanced, eventually however, I beat him. So I thought he would destroy me in our little rematch (as he is pretty solid now and more developed etc).

So we had one on his kitchen table and we were both fairly equal. So I started pushing harder, as you do, and suddenly there was a huge crack. Everyone around us suddenly went quiet, we thought it was the table. Then he jumped up shouting in agony. (To be fair he took it well).

He went to A&E and we went home. Today we were told what was wrong with him. His humerus had been cleanly broken (ie, completely snapped in two) and apparently he may have nerve damage. They kept him in overnight and were possibly going to have to pin or plate his arm although now they are trying a cast.

Anyway, I didn't think this would be possible, and I feel really guilty about it. I mean his training is messed up, and his arm has basically been snapped in half.

Can anyone give me their opinion on how this could happen? And whether you know of similar things? I don't know whether it's my fault. Apparently he has very strong bones, and his arm wasn't twisted so I don't get how it could be broken. Any ideas?
Biomechanics my friend some angles and torques can snap a bone pretty easy regardless of how strong they are. Dont tear up about it, it was an accident and apparently it happens quite often.

Hey at least in time when it has blown over some more you can claim you snapped someones arm and mean it :D
wow ive never heard of that happening before.

I would have thought the only way that could have happened is with a precondition in which the arm wrestle aggravated it.
Try not to be too hard on yourself, Woodt. Even though it was an accident, I can understand your emotions and feelings on someone you care about. An accident involving mutual agreeable play, doesnt lesson the emotions or the effect it can have on other things in life.

IMO, make your feelings known to him and work this out with the primary players it concerns: you and him. It may not eliminate the emotions but it will assist you in dealing with it effectively.

Best wishes to you, Woodt

First thing that was going through my mind was Smokey and Craig from the movie Friday sayin....Daaaaammmmnnnn

But anyways, yeah, it was an accident, it'll work out.
It certainly isn't common, but isn't unheard of either.

I think he had an underlying root bone problem. I'm sure you feel awful, but you shouldn't. It was a very unfortunate, unforeseen accident, nothing more, nothing less.
That is friggin' awesome. :D:D:cool:

I mean, OK bummer for cousin whose arm you broke, but that is a great story. :cool:

No need to feel guilty, we have all unintentionally injured friends and family (and the other way around) thats part of what makes great stories.

You will have years of smack talk on this one.

"Oh Yea, don't make me break your arm again!!!" :rofl:

For everyone else.

Arm wrestling has one of the highest injury potentials. I can't count how many people I know who thought they were tough guys at the bar, arm wrestled, and tore a rotator cuff or broke something.

Rule of thumb, unless you aspire to be an arm wrestler, don't. :D
Like the guy in the fly how he goes to the bar and snaps some guys whole rist of :)....i thought that was just fake but it seems it is quite posible :eek: I think i will have second thoughts about arm wrestling now :p
I know it's terrible but, at least it makes you "badass", next time someone wants to arm wrestle you can say: "Last time I arm wrestled I broke the other guy's arm"
I saw this happen during a strongman competition on TV a while back. The commentators said it happens due to poor form (no suprise there) and it's more likely to happen with very strong people as they apply more force. If a guy is losing and leans his body forward while his arm is being pushed back in the other direction then there's a good chance the arm could break.
It sucks that you broke his arm, but it's not your fault, it was an accident. Hopefully he will heal completely. And is he mad at you for it? He shouldn't be.
First I'll brag, then tell what happened to me:)

I was always really good at arm wrestling (even as a skinny-ass high school kid) so I did it all the time. I'm a lefty but I could beat most people right handed and was only beaten lefty twice ever.

One time when I was about 22 I arm wrestled like 10 different guys at a party and woke up with terrible tendinitis. I battled with it for would get so bad I couldn't even hold a glass of water in that hand....just driving a car hurt like hell.

Long story short: arm wrestling can f%$k you up, don't do it!
truthfully if I was you I wouldn't be too worried about ruining his training habbits, however ruining his ego on the other hand you have to take full responsibility for. Seriously he now has to go and tell everyone that his 15 year old cousin wipped him in an arm wrestling match and broke his arm.
I'd have been proud if i was able to break someones arm while arm wrestling.