Sport Are you juicing?

Sport Fitness
Heyyy :jump1: !

Is there any of you that are juicing regularly?

And if so what are your favorite "recipe"?

I'm saying "recipe" because I'm not a fan of following recipe when it comes to green juice I believe it's better to improvise :)

I've been so late on this "trend".

But I started to being consistent and now I make green juice almost every day!

And I LOVE it!

It's such a game changer and the best way to consume your daily fruits and vegetables recommendation!

If you are not juicing and are looking to improve your eating habits this is what you've been looking for!

I have been juicing on and off for about 7 years now. I love it, but the cleanup is sometimes a limiting factor for my compliance haha...

I have a crappy old LaLane juicer, but it's gotten me through 7 years of mastication. When I'm feeling lazy (or rich lol) I will buy the Glow Bio juices. They taste better than anytthing I can make and they're also organic so that's a plus.

Not strictly jucie talk, but I also love Kimberly Snyder's "Glowing Green smoothie" recipe. It's more about principles than strict ingredients, which is great because it gives you room to improvise based on seasonal availability/freshness, while still keeping you on track. Just google it yo'll get big results.
Just found my favorite new juice... Glow Bio's "Zinger." It's spicy and sweet, like a zesty carrot muffin. I don't even know what it does for me nutritionally but I feel great afterwards, and generally just enjoy the taste. Wish it were a little cheaper but it's worth it. Mine never come out the same - might be an issue of the quality of ginger I use in home preps.
Just found my favorite new juice... Glow Bio's "Zinger." It's spicy and sweet, like a zesty carrot muffin. I don't even know what it does for me nutritionally but I feel great afterwards, and generally just enjoy the taste. Wish it were a little cheaper but it's worth it. Mine never come out the same - might be an issue of the quality of ginger I use in home preps.

Update: Fountain of Youth is now my favorite haha.
Nobody else is juicing? Seriously?! Are you all chewing your vegetables like suckers? :p