Are these stretch marks???!!

K under my legs i have these red litle lines going from behind my knee almost up to my butt, lol....there kinda weird, but idk, i heard stretch marks are white, does anyone know what it might be??? maybe im growing too fast? idk im 15:confused:
I don't know???!! I can't see them!!!! Ahhhh!!! :O
lol, well anyones i was reading somewhere else that stretch marks are white, so haha, i hope so, i havnt gained any weight so idoubt they are, maybe i grew a few inches who knows
I never heard of strech marks being white. I had strech marks round my triceps when I started lifting seriously. But Ive also had them on my back from streching.
heres an excellent cream to really diminish the appearance of stretch marks, i used it after i had my son and it really works

Vichy labaratories: complete action anti-stretch mark cream
prevention correction.

oh i got it over seas but i bet u could find it online.
my stretch marks were bright red at first. they're still red/pink, even dark purple at some points.
Could those be just veins popping out? Because my mother has some of them. She got them when she fell down the stairs whilst carry me in her womb. Twice. lol They're almost all on her legs.
I'm surprised no one [was dumb enough as myself to have] brought this up, but....

dis fr3d iz y0oSeLiSs wId0uT pIcxS!!!11
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I Don't know what the heck Leanbean is trying to communicate, but I think the important thing to note in this thread is:
It's useless without pics.