Sport Are these gains remotely possible?

Sport Fitness
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I'm looking to be 215lbs by February 2007 - 6 months from now. Its a 45lb mass gain. Is this possible in that time frame?
I think you could put on that much weight, but you would be a quite lucky if it were all muscle.
I gained 21 lbs of lbm in 6 months and I thought that was amazing. 45 lbs?
Good luck man, that would be incredible!
I think you have a very good chance if your diet/training is dialed in perfectly. But like niceone said, some of it may not be lean body mass.
gxinfinity said:
See the sig for current stats...

I'm looking to be 215lbs by February 2007 - 6 months from now. Its a 45lb mass gain. Is this possible in that time frame?

Wow, you would have to have a really strict diet. Good Luck though. You should break that down into several monthes and then work on gaining x pounds every month till you reach February.
long extremely hard lifting sessions will be required every other day... and you'll want to do lots of cardio... not to mention a very good diet, probably consisting of 75% protein (if not then even MORE cardio) which is definitely tough. i can hardly find sources of protein at all throughout my house, my mother absolutely refuses to stop buying cheetos and carb/fat filled foods. i wish i had my families support but oh well im staying faithful to my body lol.
fade2green514 said:
long extremely hard lifting sessions will be required every other day... and you'll want to do lots of cardio... not to mention a very good diet, probably consisting of 75% protein (if not then even MORE cardio) which is definitely tough...

Hmmm.. I know you are trying to help, but this is pretty horrible advice, no offence.

Someone trying to gain weight should do lot of cardio why?
why would anyone eat that much protein? Im just curious where you got these ideas.
jmanjman47 said:
You should break that down into several monthes and then work on gaining x pounds every month till you reach February.

Agreed. I know that weight gains aren't constant - I've heard they level off dramatically after a fairly rapid growth in the beginning, so I've broken it down to trying 12lbs a month in the first 2 months, 7lbs a month the next 2, and 3.5 a month the last 2. Should have me at 45.

As for the 75% protien diet...sounds like overkill to me. I find it hard to believe that the body could really metabolize all that correctly in 24 hours, and it seems it would leave you dangerously lacking in other calories. I'm shooting for more around 35-40% protien.

As for the workout, I'm about to open up a thread in the journal forum. I'll edit the link in once thats up. [edit] [/edit]

Thanks a ton for all the advice!
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gxinfinity said:
See the sig for current stats...

I'm looking to be 215lbs by February 2007 - 6 months from now. Its a 45lb mass gain. Is this possible in that time frame?

Its very possible to put on that much weight in 6 months, but ur definately gonna have to cut off a few pounds at the end :) (cuz ur gonna pudge up a bit )