Are my sets right?

I'm just getting back into the gym and doing weight lifting after years of being out and I want to find out the best way to do this. I'm going to have a 5 day schedule splitting up each area that I want to work on different days (Ie: Mon - Back/Biceps, Tues - Chester/Shoulders/Triceps, Wed - Legs and then maybe back to an area that I'm more concerned with building up on Thurs and Friday, incorporating abs and cardio throughout the week). Anyhow, if that is a bad idea advice would be greatly appreciated. But mainly, I'm trying to find out how I should break my sets up on each day. Since I'm just getting back into the swing of things, would I want to do say 3 sets of 10 or 12 at the same weight on each set, or should I increase the weight and decrease the number of reps with each set? I just don't want to push it too much in the beginning so that I can get my muscles used to being physical rather than lazy. LOL.
Yeah so I guess it helps to do more in depth reading to find the results you need (Especially when it's only about 4 posts in a sticky ahead of yours). Sorry for the same post I'm sure most of you have seen time and time again on here. :)
I'd suggest starting with 3 full body workouts per week. Right now you are basically a noobie, so ANY workout is going ot trigger the body to grow stronger (muscles, ligaments, etc).

Always do a couple light warmup sets. To start I'd only do one working set so you aren't hurting.
On week two, do two working sets.
On week three, do three working sets.

Once the fullbody workouts don't kick your ass (4-8 weeks), then you could choose to mix it up and start a split routine.

but in the beginning, doing a 'little' damage to the muscles, frequently, often ramps you up better.

You get to constantly train the major muscle groups.

Once they adapt, then you change it up.
I agree with Malkore here. Even if you've trained using a split in the past, you're now starting from scratch. I think you're much better off starting with a 3 day per week full body workout, then progressing to the split-type workout, although this depends entirely on your end goals... A split isn't necessary if you are just wanting increase your strength and overall tone. However, if you're interested in building bulk or looking for extreme strength increases, a split may be better than a full body routine.

Splits are definitely not my strong point as this is not the type of client I typically deal with and is also not the way I train, so I'll leave the specifics of that to the more experienced & knowledgeable!

One of the best pieces of advice I can give you is to start with a workout, post it (along with your goals) and get some advice on what you've done. Then modify your routine from there!
I'll toss in too that I rarely split my routine beyond two workout types...either a push/pull that incorporates abs, lower back and legs in accordingly, or an upper/lower split. Then I can still hit each muscle twice a week.

Elaborate splits with one muscle group per day is best left to those actually trying to bodybuild and go beyond just 'fitness'.
Why not start with a proper program, like starting strength, or stronglifts?

how are these 'proper programs'? I've never heard of them.
there's a million good programs out there and a billion bad or ineffective ones.