Are deadlifts a good exercice for me?

I am 30 years old and I have been doing manual jobs for like 8 years. Over time it seems that lower back is not as good as it used to, simply because of the job. Sometimes I have to go really slowly if I pick something on the ground, for example. There are even a few people who asked me if I had back problems, judgeing from the way I move.

Recently I started going to a gym and I do deadlifts. Is this a good exercice for me? Or is it bad for people with back problems?
It sounds like your back is very tight right now. I would suggest to do something like back extensions and working the 'T' bar for a couple of weeks to work on bringing your back up to snuff. Don't forget to stretch out after each workout to keep yourself limber.
When you are going to do dead lifts make sure that you start with low weight and listen to your body.
I agree with g8r80. You should have your back checked out by your MD and/or physiotherapist before you start any exercise program.
Clearly, check with professionals. But it seems very obvious that you ultimately must do deadlifts. Just make sure you get there safely. It is worth checking out the resources available on the web!
Clearly, check with professionals. But it seems very obvious that you ultimately must do deadlifts. Just make sure you get there safely. It is worth checking out the resources available on the web!

That's a little much. MUST do deadlifts???? Sure they are a terrific exercise, but not the be all and end all of everything.
Def get your back checked! Deadlifts are great, but without perfect form, they can be extremely hazardous to your back. Back pain can make the rest of your life much more difficult
Lower Back

I agree, get a pro to check your back.
There are some good exercises to do, that helps strenghtening the lower back, that includes no iron and weights. They seems a little boring, but thats much better than problems with the lower back.