appropriate food intake for 19 yr old


New member
My 19 year old son- 5ft 10, 155 lbs- good shape~ runs, worksout, plays soccer, etc. is home form college for the summer & has decided to follow a pretty strict workout routine for the summer. Goes to the local gym daily, usually runs 5+ miles, etc. I have also noticed him really restricting his diet- or at least that's how it appears to me.
Example: today- after running 7 miles in 55 minutes- he wanted an egg white only scramble for lunch. I think this is not enough for an active, fit, 19 yr old- especially after a workout like he had. He insisits it is & he got information about what to eat from trainers on line, etc. He did add, after much back & forth, that he was going to have an apple and a bagel with the egg whites. He also said that since he was going to some grad parties later this afternoon he would "make up" the caloires then. My comment was perhaps it would be healthier to eat a whole egg omlete now, & watch what he eats later. Although, considering his age & his workouts, I don't think he should worry to much about it in generally. He never has been a junk food or an over-eater anyway.
So, tell me~ am I being an overly concerned mom? Or is he being too restrictive re: his food intake in relation to his age & activity level?
From what you are describing we don't really have enough information to say for sure. You could suggest that he join this forum and start a food and exercise journal, then we could see what he is consuming in a day and offer tips and advice.
Since he is interested in working out and nutrition - could you get him some sessions with a dietitian or a personal trainer to give him some guidance?
I know that sometimes it's hard for that age to take advice from 'mom'. Maybe even buy him some books on nutrition. Some people prefer to figure it out on their own rather than be told what to do. Good luck - if you can give us more info - I am sure we will have more opinions! Just remember that every opinion can be different - nutrition is a complex subject so you will need to work with your son to find a good balance for you.