Weight-Loss Applebee's Salad?



New member
Does anyone know how many calories are in the chicken walnut salad (half-size) at Applebee's? I googled it and went to the Applebee's website, but couldn't find the information.

I'm guessing it's 600 calories for the half-size. The salad has mixed greens (~2 cups), marinated chicken slices (~1/2 cup), crumbled bleu cheese (2 tablespoons), candied walnuts (2 tablespoons), green apple slices (1/2 cup), and vinegarette salad dressing (2 tablespoons). Am I under-estimating the calories for this?
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Searching on google for "applebees chicken walnut salad calories" works pretty good! :)
Thanks so much for the link! Funny how when I typed in my keywords and google searched, one of the results was on Calorie-Count.com, but it was under Restaurants>Applebee's and didn't have the chicken walnut salad, only other salads. I guess next time I'll leave out the restaurant name. :)