Apple Cider Vinegar??


New member
I was just wondering if anyone had heard or tried taking apple vinegar cider to help with weight loss My college professor had told me about and I read a little on it. Supposedly it helps curve hunger, gives energy, and boosts metabolism. Anyway I would love to get some advice on this or some feedback from those who had tried it. Thanks.
apple cider vinegar.

I've heard its good for detoxing, but you shouldn't do it daily, as it wears the enamel on your teeth over time. 1/4 a cup weekly should be fine.
I've heard of people making all sorts of vinegar drinks to help them lose weight. I've never heard of those people actually losing weight though.
I drink shots of apple cider vinegar...

But that has nothing to do with losing weight or being healthy. I just really love sour things. *drool*
i love vinegar and have drunk it straight before and I put enough on my salads to give me a good amount. I don't think it does anything. And it does wear down the enamel on the teeth so if you MUST drink it, cut it with water.
I really like vinegar drinks and heard they were good for you but didn't know about the weight loss thing. There was a pear drink not that long ago was was really yummy!
cool yea it does say mix like a tablespoon with water. i know a lot of people who have kidney problems take it as well but i had read that it can effect weight loss as well.
i have takin it before and i have started taking it again i have heard the same about it helping to loose wight i do know that i lost weight the last time i had taken it. but i was also on a very low carb low calorie diet so if it helped or not i realy couldnt tell you. but you will be hitting the bathroom alot
Apple Cider Vinegar is really good for your overall health apparently...

...but you should sip it through a straw to avoid enamel damage to your teeth, and gently swish your mouth out with water immediately after (do not brush - you will brush away the dissolved enamel which will naturally harden once your saliva gets to work! <--- this is the same for after eating or drinking anything tho! Rinse with water straight away.. but leave it at least 1-2 hours before brushing!)

Also you should only use Organic Natural ACV with the "MOther" still in the bottle.

I have been off it for a while.. hmm might have to get back into it and see if it does have any effect on weight loss :D
I'm not as brave as all these folks but I really believe in making your own salad dressings (cheaper in the long run and you can play with variety/taste so much easier) and I will definitely try incorporating apple cider vinegar into my dressings. Thanks for the tip!
People I know use apple cider vinegar for auto-mmune conditions (allergies, arthritis) but losing weight - well if you drink some apple cider vinegar instead of a coke then yes I supose it would help it - so would drinking water.
i love vinegar and have drunk it straight before and I put enough on my salads to give me a good amount. I don't think it does anything. And it does wear down the enamel on the teeth so if you MUST drink it, cut it with water.

wowwwwwwww thats a bludy fantastic tip - thankyou, i always make a salad and look for somethnig thats low calorie and end up giving up and having it by itself and never being entirely satisfied...but i never thought of apple cider vinegar - thanks heaps!!!!!!