Anyone with children???Please read


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I was checking out at my grocery store and bought me 1 of those gossip magazines (star I think)anyway I laid it down when I started dinner and my daughters (7&8)had sat down to look at it and I overheard them saying "she's pretty I wanna look like her and "I want to be skinny like her"I asked them which they were pointing and talking about and it was that Nicole richie and linsey lohan all those itty bitty eating disorederd chicks.The page before that had carmen electra angelina jolie salma hyatt those are in my opion healthy looking perfect boday type!I was shocked because I dont critasize and I keep my dieting issues somewhat to myself except when they see me eating a veggie and ask why I say I am eating healthier and exersiceing to be healthy.
I told them both they are beautiful and those girls dont feel that way and have eating problems.
But thats a little survey or a heads up to see whom, kids pick thats the healthiest/pretty?just thought that was interesting.Tammy
Thank goodness my 4 year old is still young enough to think her "pudgy little mama" as she calls me, is beautiful!:D
awwwww so cuite!My 8 year old acts older and already deloping(scary)and is very boy crazy!My 7 year old doesnt care about boys prefers books and drawing ect over the crazy stuff and boy stuff like my 8 year old and they are only 11 months apart and are like day and night.
MY 8 year old 75 lbs 7 year old 50 lbs and when they argure the weight thing gets brought up!I put my mags up for now on because the 1's in there are not too good of examples of what weight you should be.Tammy
Oh my! I know that was alarming for you. My 7 year old (62 pounds) likes the "skinny" look but not the Nicole and Lindsay look thank goodness. I always make a point to say," She looks sick, that child is frail looking!" whenever I see a picture of either of them, so she does too. She'll say, "Mommy I don't want you to look like that." So prayerfully, she'll keep that mentality. Right now, she's into the whole curvy but slim look ( a la' Beyonce and Adrienne from Cheetah Girls). She keeps telling me I need a butt. :eek:

But those magazines and TV, as well, are feeding this nonsense to our girls (and boys)...making us work that much harder to teach them and make them understand that such is NOT beautiful!
this can go for boys too, I have two sons and they are at healthy weights 14 at 145 and 9 at 70 but they too look through the magazines and want to look like the muscle guys.....more so my 14 year old........he lifts weights as does his dad, but i always tell him that just being healthy is what counts, not looking like a steroid junkie!!! the media today is crazy........ya gotta voice your thoughts so they know where ya stand!!!;)
I don't have kids but right from when I was young I have always known what looks attractive and what just looks TOO thin -Nicole Ritchie etc do not look attractive. Paris Hilton could do with a bit more meat on her bones too!

I would agree that those along the lines of J-Lo, Beyonce, Angelina Jolie etc have gorgeous figures and a few curves (ahem, not bulges :D) are a good thing.
The magazines can be dangerous! **But I remember when I was a Kid. Living in a small hick town -Looking at those Mags and saying to myself- I'm missing out on Life! I want to be like those girls! I want to looks like them - Dress like them - and so on!
Reading this brought back those memories. Having those feeling of "I'm missing out on Life" is what gave me my rebel streak and ultimately is what drove my to move to Las Vegas at 18 years
*** OMG! I have to talk to my Kid now! Thanks for the memory and wake up!
Hey Tammy, my oldest is 12...thankfully she isnt really into the boy thing yet, which I am grateful about...I mean they hang out with the boys but she is one of the few that doesnt "date" them yet *groan* Anyway she is 12 and weighs 90 lbs...she has been a tall lanky bean pole most of her life and now is just starting to put on some weight, has a little pounch but you really need to look to see it...and she calls herself fat all the time...I need to constantly tell her she isnt fat and that she needs to put a bit of weight on...we always figured, my mom and I, that she is afraid to eat to much and worries about looking like us...we are all over weight, the woman in my family...I explain to Kaylea and use her friends as comparrissions also, about body types...she has a friend that towers over me...and she is obviously thicker than my daughter and they have this other friend whose body shape is alot different than theirs as well...none of them are fat...they just all have very different body types... and I tell them all the time that kids arent fat they are healthy...I just figure with my daughter I taught her how to eat well from the beginning, she eats alot of fruit and veggies and drinks tons of water, water is pretty much all she drinks...she will choose water or pop anyday...thats my girl but my youngest loves her water as well
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Effortless Beauty - the reality

You should check out this powerful video clip. It was created by Dove. It's only a minute or so long and explores how the "effortless" beauty we see on billboards is actually created.
:eek: OMG!!!!! That was so GREAT! I have to show that to my Daughter!
I even feel better too :p Thanks for that clip! Good call Patty!
ah, i'm hurt by that. i have two young girls as well (3&1) and i hope that they don't grow up thinking those things and i'm going to do everything in my power to make sure they know the difference. ultimately, what they see and hear at school doesn't always help either, but what you do at home is much greater. in general, younger children want to please their parents, so if you show them respect while still laying down the law - they'll love you, even though they'll "hate" you sometimes. that's what i hear and hope to do anyway -
but yeah - i'm trying already to watch things and read things that portray healthy, strong women. we watch a lot of tennis, and volleyball, women's basketball. they like sports in general, i think just the activity of it all (they also watch football & baseball with daddy). And as foo foo as it sounds, i try to make sure, already that they don't watch certain movies, etc. give them good role models starting with myself, but actually just this morning we were listening to the cheetah girls' CD in the car and i was happy to hear a song about "everybody be yourself, b/c you're perfect and we're all heros" or something like that..i don't know. anyway - it's a fine line and no one knows exactly where it's drawn, like they watch me workout from time and time and try to participate, and i just say little things like..this is fun...isn't this they realize it's not to go overboard, etc. it's hard and will only get harder, i'm sure...but you do the right thing in telling them they're beautiful as they are and as they get older and mine also - i hope to enstill in them to be healthy and strong...not "skinny".
I don't have kids but right from when I was young I have always known what looks attractive and what just looks TOO thin -Nicole Ritchie etc do not look attractive. Paris Hilton could do with a bit more meat on her bones too!

I would agree that those along the lines of J-Lo, Beyonce, Angelina Jolie etc have gorgeous figures and a few curves (ahem, not bulges :D) are a good thing.

it's in stars' line of work to be beautiful. they'd do almost anything for it. i think we have to remind children that they go to extremes to be that way and it's not healthy, or worth it. i don't know..i'm guess i'm different in that i never really wanted to look like any of them. i always played sports and such as a kid and as i got older i first start liking the williams sisters (tennis) and some women's pro basketball players. i hope that i can steer my children in that direction as well. beauty is all different shapes and sizes, don't let anyone else determine what's beautiful what's beautiful to you. be you!
This is one difficult issue. I was always very thin as a teen and my mom would comment on my being heavy when I was pushing 120, which was midrange for my ht. She has issues with heavy people and is one of those skinny people, anyway, so I developed this aware early, unintentional from her, but it is still present.

My oldest dtr is 17, overwt and isn't concerned about it yet. My twin dtrs are 16, normal with curves----they hate the curves. They all have been taught nutrition and reinforced with the healthy look with a big emphasis on the dangerous of under/over wt. None of them like the Nicole Ritchie look, thankfully the twins aren't motivated to change their curves at all. My oldest has developed terrible eating habits with more time away from home and fast food and isn't willing to change that now.......yet anyway.

My almost 10 y/o son wants to know where is 6-8 pack abs are and when will we be able to see them. He is taller and a bit on the thin side right now. My 7 y/o dtr is 47 lbs, tiny, and small and already worried about being fat---this has come from the teens talking about this. I have had less ability to control what the younger ones are viewing, seeing and hearing and why are young kids worried about this?? Heck I never gave it a thought until 6th grade when friends started talking about it.