Weight-Loss Anyone wanna do the Halloween Challange



New member
Last Year Mal started a Halloween TEAM challange and it was lot's of fun,we had cuite lil Halloween Names for our teams and maybe we can just do a simpler one without the extra bonuses ubless you wanna deal with the figures????Anyway I was thinking start it SEPT 1ST-NOV 31ST??TAMMY
the original halloween challenge posts are still there if you wanted to copy any of the ideas...
the original halloween challenge posts are still there if you wanted to copy any of the ideas...

Thank you I will most certainly check it out! I totally LOVE Halloween and that is going to be where my 1st GOAL of happyness will be met!
I think instead of basing it on who loses the most we should do who meets the goal weight they had set for themselves set for HALLOWEEN!

KORRIE---GLAD to see ya in..We'll use this thread to gather people who wanna join then start The official :pumpkin: Halloween thread SEPT1ST!
Yay it's going to be fun.....:pumpkin: :pumpkin:
I'm totally in on this I can use any challenges to help motivate me in getting this weight off. Anyways hope to join once we get all the rules and stuff figured out. I haven't set a actual halloween goal yet but am going to start thinking about it before the challenge starts. I love halloween too.
I would like to do the challenge also. Anything that keeps me motivated and right on track!!! i will be looking for the tread..
Ok so far I know it will be based on a point system the team with the most
points wins the challange and the one's who meet there goal weight that they post is an extra 20 points for the team.The hardest workers will be rooconized also "PLEASE DO NOT SIGHN UP IF YOUR NOT GOING TO STICK TO THE 8 WEEK 4 DAY CHALLANGE!!!!
We will have bonus points EXAMPLE week 1 bonus may be exersice every 30 minutes is 1 point there are NO 1/2 points keep it simple.
Week 2 bonus 1 point for every serving of fruit and veggies you eat we will use ** for minues and pints * equals 30 minutes or * equals 1 serv veggs and fruits and so on.So those are examples of whats in store
Weigh in's will start SEPT 1st saturday BUT you can use your Friday's weight if you weigh in on FRIDAY.I will post the actual Thread with details Later for sighn up.
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I guess my only concern is this...with me going back to school and having to help my kids w/ their schooling....i'm concerned I wont' have time to document every fruit I eat or be real consisitant w/ writing things down, you know?? I, personally, would like to keep it really simple..just loose the weight. You know????

I'm not trying to be a crasher...you run the challenge as you see fit!! I know there are alot more people out there that have the time to document what they eat...and MAYBE i will....i'm just concerned right now w/ school..that I wont'.

You know??? lol
hMMMMM WE CAN DO JUST A WEIGHT BASED CHALLANGE AND LEAVE THE bonus out??Maybe the team who loses the most wins the challange and the one's who meet there goal weight they put down will get reconition>>>
I have no problem mailing post cards to the biggest looser either!!

HAHA!!!!!That was funny.I won't be getting 1 of those and neither will you!
Ok we will do just weight only and add up all the lbs lost for the winning team
Also the ones that make there goal I will mail a post card to,because thats going to be a tough 1 to stick to.I am going to go start the thread so people willhave plenty of time to sighn up(2 weeks) then to be fair I will put all the names in a hat to draw out teams.We can come up with NEW HALLOWEEN THEMED NAMES for the team or use LASTYEARS or both???
This Thread Only

just a suggestion, instead of pounds lost - go for percentage pounds lost - heavier people tend to lose more weight than lighter people so the percentage is more fair...

to get the percentage

Starting weight - Ending weight = total lbs lost

total lbs lost / starting weight x 100 = percentage lost
just a suggestion, instead of pounds lost - go for percentage pounds lost - heavier people tend to lose more weight than lighter people so the percentage is more fair...

to get the percentage

Starting weight - Ending weight = total lbs lost

total lbs lost / starting weight x 100 = percentage lost

Cool that does sound fair.TY
I think the bonus point system is great. it gives you an extra boost you know? just my 2 cents. i will go with whatever Tammy decides.
I think the bonus point system is great. it gives you an extra boost you know? just my 2 cents. i will go with whatever Tammy decides.

Yes I agree and if someone cant do them than oh well:DNo offence Korrie...LOL

I will join Tammy - whatever I can do to support you guys Im in you know that!!!

Make on group nam the Smashin Pumpkins - hee hee hee
I think the bonus point system is great. it gives you an extra boost you know? just my 2 cents. i will go with whatever Tammy decides.

TY HAJ, Yeah the bonus thing is neat maybe everyone can do the challange and if you don't have time or can't do the bonuses you just put a * I remeber not having time on ceratain day but on Friday when I weighed in I would go back and put the * for everything I remebered me doing they won't be tallied up until Sunday so maybe people can fine time to update it once a week if not you can still sighn up and get credit for the weightloss?>?>:)
Yes I agree and if someone cant do them than oh well:DNo offence Korrie...LOL

I will join Tammy - whatever I can do to support you guys Im in you know that!!!

Make on group nam the Smashin Pumpkins - hee hee hee

Lol cool name might of been a last year oldie to?Ty cerella :)
the nice part of the bonuses - and why I added them in to begin with -it gives you a chance to "support your team" even if you aren't currently losing any weight...
Tam - it is a band name - silly!!!