no not really...what with posting on forums/emails/texts how does anyone find the time to do this too?? LOL but i think it funny that you can just google a celebs name + twitter & it comes up...a little window into their world...or self indulgent crap?? can't decide....i've had a nosey at stephen frys/demi moores...just now had a look at ashton kutchers (most followed apparently) & somehow after clicking on some links on it found myself here & saw these clips...what is going on??! one guy hitting a girl several times in front of crowds of ppl (have to wonder what would he do in private??) & another young guy (very drunk i assume...) telling a girl to hit him in the awful couldn't watch...don't even get me started on the poor girl who hits the she did need a slap as she was completely hysterical...but i know i'd probably do the same though if i was in her place!!