Anyone try Atro-Phex by BSN?

Title says it all. Just wondering if anyone has tried BSN Atro-Phex. Last December I finished 4 weeks of BSN Cell-Mass and NOXplode with excellent results. Gains in strength and noticeable gains in size in the arms and shoulders mostly.

Anyway, taking a few weeks off the supplements and trying to detox a bit. Upped my fiber intake and trying some colon cleansers. Looking to start a cutting phase end of this month and through February. Just wondering what you guys think of Atro-Phex, or any other suggestions.

No advice here?
I have tried it. It makes you feel something ( not sure if not hungry was it though) but like all those things, they eventually stop working. Sad. I wish there was some safe and easy pill to take that would eliminate being hungry and give you loads of energy and turn you into a fat burning machine like they all promise, but alas the only thing I tired that did work caused many folks to have heart attacks or strokes. Not too important to look fit and trim when your dead, but maybe that's just me.

Good luck.
Totally agree with you. Guess I'll keep my liver and kidneys functioning the way they were meant to.

...Back to the treadmill