Anyone take St. Johns Wort? Need help please!

So I have been very depressed lately, my girlfriend (and she was my bestfreind too) of 2 years just broke up with me and we are not talking. Other than that, depression runs in my family. Before we even broke up I was kinda always depressed about something. I know I have a problem, my family, mainly my mother wants me to get on anti-depression drugs. I HATE DRUGS/PILLS. I already have had enough for 3 life times (thanks to chemo for about 3 years) At one time I was on 20, yes TWENTY MEDS at once. I hate even taking a headache pill, I rather have the headache than resort to pills. The only pills I like to take is multivitamins.

So what im getting at, is I am more open minded about herbal stuff. I was looking at st johns wort. Here is a link

but if you do a google search you will find a lot more about it. Is anyone taking this? It still says it has side effects, which is the first thing I look at. I even read somewhere not to take this is you are taking any other amino acid supplements, (which I am, GNC weight gain 2200). It also says not to take if you eat foods with tyramine in them, well TONS of stuff has tyramine in it! What do you guys think / what should I do?

EDIT: I just found this site it looks like the sunlightside effects are really bad, could even hurt your eyes. This would be REALLY bad for me because I live in Texas and there is A LOT of sunshine here! Plus I do swim a lot and get really tan... damn what should I do! :(
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Just read your post. I am new to the site, but not to the subject of depression. My husband suffered his first bout a month before our wedding and it went undiagnosed for months until he finally went to a doctor who was familiar with the signs. He was on meds for awhile, but like you, did not like to be on perscription medication. He weaned himself off and was fine for awhile. It struck again though and he was back on the meds. We evaluated the situations that seemed to trigger his depression and linked it to (surprise surprise) stress. No kidding, right? Anyhow, we were already pretty familiar with alternative medicine and such and although some of it may be a sham some of it is valuable IMO. We decided, after much research, to try a combo of Vitamin E (the purest we could find) and SJW (st. johns wort). My husband quit his meds cold turkey (not recommended, but you aren't supposed to combine the herbal stuff with the perscribed stuff),and he felt a little off for about a month. According to what we read, this was the withdrawl from his meds. Now, six months later, I am glad to report that he is doing well and is back to his normal self (a person who was not visible under his medication haze). His mood has normal ups and downs as do mine. He also takes SAM-e as do I, and that helps with mood regulation. Don't get me wrong, this is NOT for everyone and I am not suggesting you try any of it. It could all be the placebo affect for all I know, but it's just what has worked for us. WOW! long winded, right?:D
tonymcclellan said:
Try a psychologist, instead of a psychiatrist. Listening is what they are there for, not prescribing medicine.

Depression is complicated, some can be cured by talking it out, mine cannot. Besides, my mother is a psychiatric nurse and she helps me out a lot in that area. I just need something to clear my mind and take some anxiety off...
I used to take it way back in the day. it does take about 4-6 weeks to really start working, and even then it may not be what you need.

Sun sensitivity is the primary side effect (assuming you aren't combining it with other MAOI's). Some people report more energy too.

If you take it, get some that's standardized. The cheap stuff is weak and low dose, the right stuff is only a few dollars more.
sns2317 said:
Depression is complicated, some can be cured by talking it out, mine cannot. Besides, my mother is a psychiatric nurse and she helps me out a lot in that area. I just need something to clear my mind and take some anxiety off...

Maybe a new hobby, surround yourself with positive people and situations. I know that alot of psychiatrists could care less about your problem, and are quick to prescribe medication and get you in & out of the office. Quick way to collect the money. A clinical psychologist can try to find the mental problem or trigger. Exercise can really help you also.
tonymcclellan said:
Maybe a new hobby, surround yourself with positive people and situations. I know that alot of psychiatrists could care less about your problem, and are quick to prescribe medication and get you in & out of the office. Quick way to collect the money. A clinical psychologist can try to find the mental problem or trigger. Exercise can really help you also.

I understand what you are saying... and i have tried all of the above. As for exercising, I do that 5 times a week so no problem there. I have tried everything, meds look to be the only thing that will help ME.
sns2317 said:
Depression is complicated, some can be cured by talking it out, mine cannot. Besides, my mother is a psychiatric nurse and she helps me out a lot in that area. I just need something to clear my mind and take some anxiety off...

Sounds like what you're suffering from is true clinical depression, which is a chemical imbalance in the brain. One way to know for sure, go get an MRI. They can now see these things in brain scans. That way you're 100% certain before taking anything.

As someone who battles with depression myself, I've had good results with ST Johns Wort. I can't compare it, cause I've never tried Prozac or any other prescription psychotropic/MAOI inhibitor. The side effects would likely hinder me both creatively and sexually, which would once again lead me to be depressed.

I live in Colorado, and the winters can be brutal. The sun goes down about 4pm and it's cold and gray many days anyway. I get SAD (seasonal affective disorder) every winter. St Johns helps a lot. In fact, it's so bad, I'm movin back down south, because I just can't take another winter up here.

You can also try sarotonin.
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sns2317 said:
meds look to be the only thing that will help ME.

Not that I know you're situation, but this seems like your brain may be leading you to think there is no hope, and that you NEED these pills.
tonymcclellan said:
Not that I know you're situation, but this seems like your brain may be leading you to think there is no hope, and that you NEED these pills.

How can you say that when in my 1st post I said I HATE meds. I guess you didn't understand it, I do not want to take any pills. There is no reason for your above statement and it is not true at all.

You are right in that you dont know my situation. To show you how much I hate meds, I seriously had to think for a long time about if I wanted to do chemo or not. If I didn't then I would die. I put my life on the line, just because I hate meds so much.
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Maybe it comes down to a choice. Would you rather take meds, which you hate, or live in dispair, which also is no good. I'd say try the meds. Yes, you hate taking meds, but at this level of depression, your sense of everything is warped. Perhaps once your mood levels are elevated, you'll hate meds, (and everything else) less... Just a thought.
Buck It said:
Maybe it comes down to a choice. Would you rather take meds, which you hate, or live in dispair, which also is no good. I'd say try the meds. Yes, you hate taking meds, but at this level of depression, your sense of everything is warped. Perhaps once your mood levels are elevated, you'll hate meds, (and everything else) less... Just a thought.

I think by me posting this thread shows that I am ready to take something for my depression. I have weighed the side effects and the benifits. Yes I rather get some help with my depression, even if it means takes some pills.

Now the question is, what should I take? Like said in the 1st post I was thinking of st. johns wort. Although I have to admit the sunlight side effect is very bad in my case, I live in TEXAS and swim at least once a week and in the summer I always get a very dark tan (im white, btw). So the reason I made this thread was to hear from other people who have taken this drug to tell me stuff like, side effects they had, how did it make them feel, can they tell a difference, etc. :)
sns2317 said:
How can you say that when in my 1st post I said I HATE meds. I guess you didn't understand it, I do not want to take any pills. There is no reason for your above statement and it is not true at all.

Sorry if I offended you in any way. The brain works in mysterious ways, and while you may consciously tell yourself you hate these meds, your brain may still lead you to think that is your only choice. I agree with Buc's last post also.

We did get off the topic of your post, and I have not used the product you're asking about. I do wanna mention that while you have had a dramatic number of negatives in your life, you're still here and you survived a deadly disease. That is something to be very proud and happy about. Good luck to you.
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tonymcclellan said:
Sorry if I offended you in any way. The brain works in mysterious ways, and while you may consciously tell yourself you hate these meds, your brain may still lead you to think that is your only choice. I agree with Buc's last post also.

No you didn't offened me at all. Sorry I just like to make strong points... It's all good man :)
tonymcclellan said:
Sorry if I offended you in any way. The brain works in mysterious ways, and while you may consciously tell yourself you hate these meds, your brain may still lead you to think that is your only choice. I agree with Buc's last post also.

We did get off the topic of your post, and I have not used the product you're asking about. I do wanna mention that while you have had a dramatic number of negatives in your life, you're still here and you survived a deadly disease. That is something to be very proud and happy about. Good luck to you.

I agree. Sometimes people say things but deep down their heart desires something different. But in your case I reckon you just want to feel better. The best advice I can give ya is talk to your doctor. Not a shrink, an MD. There are a variety of options available in pharmaceuticals today, and you may find one you can live with. Also, I ain't familliar with the sun side effects you mentioned regarding St Johns Wort. Can you fill me in???

Last, but damn sure not least, you're a stud, remember that. You beat cancer man. In my book that makes you one touch SOB. From here on out anything you tackle in life should seem like child's play. I tip my hat to ya bro.