I am thinking about trying out a NO product. I was wondering if anyone here uses one and if it works or not?
Thanks for the replies.
Mreik, how could you tell if it was giving you increased muscle gains after only one week? Can you pack on that mass that fast? You bastard...
So you didn't feel anything at all from it huh Malkore? That's weird. What type did you try?
I guess the nitrogen is suppose to increase protein synthesis after your workout is done... that's the idea behind it.
I didn't say I didn't feel anything...I said it was all hype.
Its a known fact that taking an NO2 product (at least a good one) will give you an artificial pump in the muscles.
Whoopdee****. if it doesn't give you a performance gain, its a waste of your time. and muscle pump has diddly squat to do with performance.
I am looking for muscle size increase. The product is suppose to increase nitrogen in the bloodstream and therefore make protein synthesis better.
NO2 does NEITHER of these things.
The old ones don't, but newer ones are showing much more promise. I am by no means backing these things, I personally wouldn't take it for 'muscle gains'. I think most people have a ton of other things stopping them from getting big (which dollar for dollar, or dollar for hour are less expensive).
It really isn't worth your time and money. Companies depend on this feeling you're feeling right now, you are ahving people tell you no, people you trust, but you WANT it to work so bad you're probably thinking of buying it anyway. It's how people make money with crap.
I am just looking for any way to increase my gains, ya know?
If you have some other advice that'd be awesome too! Heh, well besides steroids, I don't want to go there ..... yet, duh dun dun.
curious - are you still on your ketogenic diet ( i.e. as per your signature ) ?
Just wondering if your expectation is to still see ' increased gains ' in muscle mass and or the volume you're lifting ......even while you're on this rather restrictive ' hardcore cutting ' diet.
Train harder perhaps ?