suzanne somers has written several books about a food combining way of eating. you can do a search for SS and find her site where it will explain it in more detail. basically, it's a lower carb type diet, you cut out what she refers to funky foods, but it's the combining of food groups that does the trick. proteins/fats with veggies only, fruit alone, carbs with veggies (never eat carbs with proteins) and so on and so forth. i've just begun reading one of SS's books so i'm not an expert by a long shot yet, but she maintains her weight eating this way and thousands and thousands of people have lost and maintain their weight this way and it's all real food that you eat, nothing like Nutrisystem which i tried and gagged on and got a migraine from it because of all the additives. yuck. also, she learned this way of eating while she lived in france -- noticing that the women over there would eat cream sauces, etc., and still maintain their weight. there's also a book titled "french women doen't get fat", or something like this, that i think is the same principle.
nice seeing you again sprite.