Anyone overcome foot pain from arch problems or have advice?

Im in my late 20s and have recently been making an effort to get fitter and lose some weight.

The most basic and obvious step was to take up jogging. I fully expected and accepted the usual pain and swift exhaustion for the first few months until I built up my stamina and got my body accustomed to the change. What I did not expect was severe foot pain. After going to the local podiatrist she told me I have a low arch/flat foot which puts excessive strain on the arch causing the pain.
The recommendation was foam support inserts which at this point having tried two shapes have not helped. Infact they are painful in their own way as well as uncomfortable so I just dont use them most of the time.

Im pretty disheartened at the moment at the prospect of being unable to do little more than walk for the rest of my life and im not even 30 yet.
I was a cross country runner and sprinter during my school days and I never had any problems back then.
Even though I have noticed an onset of discomfort and mild pain from longer/faster walking in recent years it's quite a shock to find out I cant run more than a a mile or two before I am in unbearable pain and have to stop for quite a while.

Any suggestions or info would be appreciated.
First, welcome!

Second, I have two suggestions: See a different specialist, either a different podiatrist or an MD, perhaps an orthopedist.

Third, try a shoe that is designed for a flat arch. In shoe terminology, this is called motion control or stability. If you go to the page or a specialized running or triathlon shoe store they can guide you to their brands that offer this. I have very flat feet and am currently using Asics 2140 but will try a Gel Foundation next time. No, I don't work for Asics or have their stock; I merely like their products.

By the way, I am 50 and just completed a half ironman (in addition to being a 2-time cardiac patient) so I know you can overcome your flatfootedness as well.
try this running technique --- call pose running

u can google---Pose running technique - Pose Tech's Online Library will explain all. i also had pain problems when i run, after learned the pose running, pains gone. it work!!
good luck keep fit!!
Thanks alot for the replies.

I am reading up on this Pose running, seems quite complicated and involved but if it can help I am eager to try it.

I will look into the specialized running shoes aswell. This was mentioned by the podiatrist also but I was abit dubious as for reasons unrelated I already have several different types of casual footwear, soft sole, hard sole, soft upper, hard upper etc and the pain comes in them all.
I also spoke to an acquaintance with the same problem who had gone as far as trying custom measured then molded shoes from a specialist which had become very expensive and time consuming and only partly successful.
The 'maximum support' section in the running shoes area are the ones I should be looking at yeh?.