Anyone heard of MRSA??


New member
Ok this looks like some serious stuff here thats breaking out around the cities near where I love here is the link,it looks to me like it looks like a bug bite and it's like STAFF INFECTION but I heard worse?My question is do you have to be bittend by a bug for it to start I know it says highly contagious but how does it start in the 1st place??

Staph infection. You get it from bacteria, of a variety that often lives harmlessly on your skin. So if you have a break in your skin (from a bugbite or a scratch or whatever), the bacteria can get a foothold to breed.

One of my elderly clients just had a MRSA infection, which we think he got from one of the home health aide's fake fingernails contacting broken skin.
My grandfather contracted it while in the hospital, apparently it runs rampant there which is why if you've been in one recently they like to get you out as soon as possible. Unfortunately he ended up catching pneumonia just as he was getting rid of it and was so weak from fighting the infection that he passed away. It was not pleasant, we couldn't touch him or anything because of a semi quarantine they had on him while it was at its peak since it was so contagious.

From what I had read back then, which was about a year and a half ago, it originated in hospitals which is why it is so resistant to antibiotics. I'm not too up to date on current research.
:eek2: I just saw on the news lots of ot are putbreaking in the school gyms and locker rooms,also nursing homes wow!I hope it can be controlled also I just saw a NEW ONE called CRYPTO something to do with leaky diaper and something you get from public pools well they are closed so hmmmm how is this so? I hope your grandpa is doing better! Tammy
Cryptosporidium. It's a protozoa, not a bacteria or virus. Chlorine won't kill it, which is why it spreads in swimming pools. Poor hygiene spreads it faster, which is why it's associated with diapers.
Cryptosporidium. It's a protozoa, not a bacteria or virus. Chlorine won't kill it, which is why it spreads in swimming pools. Poor hygiene spreads it faster, which is why it's associated with diapers.

I kind of knew that cuz it broke out at a near by pool but it is fall the pools are closed so how do ya get it well I kind of thought about it and I am sure the hotels gyms have indoor pools.:rolleyes:

Steve yes it is and i have been hearing more and more each day on the mrsa,the chick that cut my hair said her sister was hospitalized for 5 days after getting bit by a spider in the woods and it turned ugly.