Anyone have experience with tattoo removal?


New member
Anyone have any experience getting a tattoo removed? So far I have learned 3 things.
Creams don't work
Laser removal hurts like hell and is expensive
IPL doesnt hurt quite as bad, gets better results, but is even more expensive.

Anyone have any first hand experience getting this done?

I have been meaning for years to get this tattoo covered up but I just cant seem to think of anything I want.

Its on my upper bicep if that matters.
Nope, but why don't you want it anymore?
I am curious also about having a tattoo removed. I looked into laser, but like you said its expensive. I have been going back to a system called wrecking balm, you can google it and check out the website. It seems ligit, but also rather expensive for the whole thing.
NEVER EVER get the name of a former flame written anywhere on your body... :D

Sharpie pens are much easier :D

Had a buddy have the name of his ex removed... and over several sessions, much pain, and much more pain... the persons name is gone.. .however... it still looks like something was there the skin never goes back to normal...
Nope, but why don't you want it anymore?

Its bad, real bad. I got it when I was 16 from a guy who had no idea what he was doing. I have really wanted to get it covered for a long time but I am not really a tattoo kinda guy so I just cant seem to think of anything to cover it with. The cover up would need to be pretty much round, and pretty much solid.
I am curious also about having a tattoo removed. I looked into laser, but like you said its expensive. I have been going back to a system called wrecking balm, you can google it and check out the website. It seems ligit, but also rather expensive for the whole thing.

It seems legit on their website. If you check 3rd party review they aren't quite as glowing though.
NEVER EVER get the name of a former flame written anywhere on your body

Or in my case have one designed by a former boyfriend... or bonehead as we like to refer to him as....:eek: