Weight-Loss anyone have a good idea for a challenge/contest?

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wondering if anyone had any good challenges to try? I think it'd be a fun way to push myself to not only workout but get a quality workout. If you have any ideas I'd love to hear them. Thanks in advance.
run, for a given amount of miles each week or day. :) Running is the hardest thing for me to do, I hate to run ;)
Well we have a wonderful challenges section in this forum.

San will be announcing a new challenge in the next few days that will involve exercise, nutrition and weight loss. This style of challenge has traditionally been more motivating than the average "who can lose the most weight this month" style challenge.

The weight loss element will be based on percentage - so small and large - our people can compete on an even playing field against each other.
Measure daily your calories and note decrease/increase in your body parts i.e., prepare your own chart.
This style of challenge has traditionally been more motivating than the average "who can lose the most weight this month" style challenge.

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