First off honey, I'd like to say DO NOT resort to weight loss pills. Not even as your last resort. Personally, I've no experience with them, but what I can assure you, is that it's very possible to become toned and lose twenty-two pounds without the aid of pills.
My advice to you is this: Do continue in your Pilates if it's a form of exercise you enjoy and do start off by counting calories. My recommendation is at least 1,200 calories a day and if you're still hungry up it by 100 until you feel satisfied. Judging from personal experience, I've found it rather helpful to invest in a homegym. I own a Bowflex Extreme and only having used if for about two and a half months, I can definitely see results. Do I have a six-pack yet? No, but given the nineteen years I carried around an excess of 140 pounds, it's not realistic to think I could tone muscles I've never used in such a short time. My six month goal is to finally *look* completely toned. Asking for anything before that time period, in my mind, isn't probable.
Patience is not only a virtue, but a cure for our frustration. You grow less and less frustrated when the understanding of what's realistic and what isn't is finally grasped.
It may take less time, but I would say give yourself AT LEAST three months to drop the weight. It could take a significantly less amount of time, yes, but if you set yourself up with a time-period that's realistic, you'll be even more proud of yourself if you accomplish your weight loss goal before then.
You can't lost twenty-two pounds in two weeks, and it's honestly unhealthy to lose such an amount in a month or even two. You have to remember that even though you're losing weight, you still have to take care of yourself.
I hope that helps in any way it can, chica. (((Big hugs)))