Anyone ever take Beta Alanine Pro or Paraslim Force?

I came upon an advertisement that sent me to a blog promoting the two above supplements. They had what seemed like legit before and after testimony pics, and after being somewhat intrigued by what I saw, I searched for reviews on both and it seemed legit that when those two supplements are taken on a daily basis, they really can make a difference in muscle definition and body fat loss. Anyone ever heard of or tried these? Thanks.
I've never heard of either specific supplement. Beta Alanine is showing some promise as one of the supplements that might benefit us, especially when combined with creatine monohydrate.

But anytime you get sent to some blog full of testimonials...I get suspicious. Sounds like more marketing, less science.

I myself just ordered Results from which is a createin/beta alanine supp. Since it only shipped yesterday I cannot comment but it should be fun to try out. I pretty much stick to that company's limited line of supplements, and I say that because they don't make too many.
Basically they only make what science shows as actually working. Thus, no 'NO2/nitric oxide' supps or any designer steroids/pro hormones. Just vitamins, protein, fish oil, creatine, and a few recovery products. Might be worth checking them out to see how it compares to what you found.

but I'd skip the Paraslim Force. Even the name makes it sound like garbage.
I take Purple wraath which has Beta-Alanine in it. The reason I take it is for EAA/BCAA's. This just means /I have a constant flow of amino acids before, during and after working out. But to sell the product they put some other stuff in it, one being beta Alanine. But not stimlulates and NO

The Beta Alanine is meant to be a lactate buffer and help train more intensely for longer. Do Ifind it helps?.....

umm yes, to a degree. When you take Beta Alanine you get a tingling of your skin, so you 'feel' it doing something- this must add to the placebo effect. However, I do think it genuinely helps towards to end of a session when I am flagging.
Do not expect some sort of magical effect though. Pre-workout formulas with NO and caffiene have more of a short term 'dramatic effect' (while you are sensitive to the stimulates) while they give you a kick.
Of all the supplements with some sort of evidence. Protien, EFA's, multivits, creatine and Beta Alanine are the ones with some weight behind them as 'doing something' but I would put beta alanine at the bottom of this list and use it as an 'add on' after diet and core supplementation has been sorted for a month or 2