Anyone else use hypnosis tapes?


New member
I don't know if I believe in hypnosis or not. I definitely don't believe it's what the movies make it out to be, but I've downloaded a few aps. Two weight loss ones that I cycle through, and a self esteem one. They're really relaxing, so I do like that aspect of them. And honestly I do feel as though my appetite is diminished the next day after I listen to one. I feel as though it does help motivate me.

Was just wondering if anyone liked them, used them, etc.
I prefer self talk to hypnosis. It lasts longer, and you train yourself to have positive thoughts and a positive outlook.
Some people call it brainwashing. IT IS NOT!!!! What you are doing is replacing the negative conditioning in your life with positive speech and thinking. I highly recommend Shad Helmsteter's book, what to say when you talk to yourself, which was printed a long time ago. HOWEVER, you have to read carefully and be careful NOT to say things like "I'm never going to be fat again" because your subconscious will focus on the word fat. things like "I'm confident and I like how I look" are recommended.
Shad also has a website, but I can't link it because it's against the rules. However, I highly recommend.